Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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It’s funny to hear idiots fight against term and or age limits for federal office.” There’s no constitutional authority for that!”

Meanwhile, they put limits or require licensing on us owning guns, driving cars, how fast we go, when we can smoke, chew, or drink. Require us to sign up for conscription, arrest us for insider trading.

And oh, we don’t get a tax payer funded slush fund to make rape and sexual harassment go away.

Putting limits on them holding office when government has killed infinitely more people historically, than individual gun owners ever thought of killing seems pretty damned reasonable.

Show me thier constitutional authority for the above without mental gymnastics from judges.

Oh, and let’s not act like democrats didn’t set a precedent with Trump while ignoring the retard in chief.
If you are over 65 and a surgeon or anesthesiologist you get pushed out of many if not most hospital systems. I personally know of two prominent neurosurgeons and one general surgeon at a respected academic hospital (two former department chairs and one former dean of the medical school) who operated too long and had to retire after they fucked up a patient when they all were over 65. I have been on a committee that evaluates “impaired” physicians and one of those impairments is age related decline in cognitive functioning. There are certain careers where you need to be sharp. i imagine being president is one of those. if you shit yourself in front of the pope you shouldn’t be president.

They should be disqualified from investing in any way if they are sitting member of congress or any employee that works for them or the government. Football players can't bet on their games, basketball players can't bet on their is really bad that we send these people to congress and the first thing they do is try to take advantage pf the club nd cheat the rest of the country by getting wealthy off of insider trading and forming policy to enrich themselves.

While you're wallowing in misery and blaming everyone but Trump, consider the facts for just a moment. Trump signed up for this battle royale to the death. But he for some reason thought it all worked like his pro wrestling days with Vince McMahon. Right after he got elected, what did he do? He said climate change was real and that he wouldn't have Hillary investigated. He's now either owned or being consumed the very monster he helped create. He had his chance to fight, and he refused.

"I think it would be very very divisive for the country," he was quoted as saying, referring to prosecuting Hillary Clinton or her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

"I don't want to hurt the Clintons, I really don't. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."

Just like that, before he was even sworn in, he backtracked on "lock her up". We all should have known then.
They should be disqualified from investing in any way if they are sitting member of congress or any employee that works for them or the government. Football players can't bet on their games, basketball players can't bet on their is really bad that we send these people to congress and the first thing they do is try to take advantage pf the club nd cheat the rest of the country by getting wealthy off of insider trading and forming policy to enrich themselves.
This is not a wise suggestion. We the public are no better if they aren’t making money on stocks. In fact this would drive too talent away from a Congress and government and we should all want the very best people in those positions.

Since we are a capitalist country we should want anyone to make money who can. That is why we should pass a law requiring them and all of their immediate family members to publicly publish their financial records so that we can all make the same moves if we so choose while also monitoring for blatant corruption.

I don’t want to stop Nancy Pelosi from trading stock. Far from it, I’d rather just match her stock portfolio and become a zillionaire.

Players betting on games isn’t a good analogy either since a single player can throw a game result where as a single member of Congress already controlled their own vote and have no explicit control over any other member’s vote.
Rise up, Trumpers, and fund Don Maga. He needs your $$$.

Dude you are so pathetic on so many levels. I am pretty sure I have been blocked. He is on a message board where he is hated by 95% of the people going against what most believe in some sad attempt to try to prove his point. Its very sad.

Yea I know you love Jesus but yet you can continue to judge everyone on the board. You are sad excuse for a Tennessean

I agree if and only if there is a MASSIVE purge of all the wannabe bureaucrats and communists currently in the military ranks and leadership. The youth of this nation need a healthy dose of service to something greater than themselves, pride of country, etc. But they won't get that pride and patriotism in this current fucked up military.

A little tidbit that no one cares about, but I always planned on naming my first son Brody. Well my older sister had a kid first and she stole it. When I had a son, named him Sean Michael after each of the Brody kids. Wife had no idea. When my sister told her about the meaning behind the seemingly innocuous names, she was . . . not thrilled.
Chief Brody was a childhood hero of mine. Makes sense to me.

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