Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Never was a plane that hit the Pentagon. Now, where is the plane and the bodies?

Pfizer et al dumped every little harmful segment of a disease into the Death Jabs. We are in the infancy of the 3-5 year period post-Jab when all the issues will surface. Dr. Mengele must have spent his post-Nazi life in SAmerica making babies 24/7. There are a lot of his clones in medicine.


And the more we learn, the odds only increase more and more.

Our existence is a literal miracle. We should not be here. The only rational/logical explanation supported by the evidence we have and the science we understand is that God is real.

And the only rationale/logical theistic worldview that accounts for how we reconcile our total depravity (see Sound of Freedom) with a Holy/Just God is explained by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Re: Senate. Dems will feel no agony if McConnell is in charge of the elections. He could have been majority leader these past 3 years had he worked to get candidates elected. Rather he shit on the good ones and did anallingus on Mirkowski.
Pretty Interesting With the "Sound of Freedom" Coming Out Movie Poster 1

Panic Everywhere Poster 2

Lots of Revelations About FISA Gate Think Missouri vs Biden Admin Poster 3

Read the quote under the 3 posters - Future Proves Past

Check The Date of the Post

View attachment 187577

Also notice the numbers above the movie posters.

4/5/6 - Maybe represents the date the movie released? Aka July 4th?

If true, yikes! He and his staff has serious issues if they believe this to be true. Not least of which is that Ron already has an imaging problem (even the most staunch Ron supporters should be able to see that he is running a terrible campaign and is often silent on thinsg that nmatter nationally to conservatives,) now he is talking like he should be Nancy Pelosi's bestie.
Biden's freak world

^^always has^^

But, but, but, Ukraine is kicking ass.

If Ukraine really was kicking ass there would be legions of journalists embedded with Ukraine showing videos 24/7. Seen any?
The war would already be called over if the Ukraine was winning. Instead Putin makes a ton of money, despite sanctions levied by us, on his oil sales. He is forming stronger relationships with countries he would not have been so close to before (cough...China...) all the while our inept or intentionally bad government celebrates guys dressing as woman as some sort of great thing.
It's almost like they want to lose to start a nuclear war or at least a hot war between Russia and NATO
Russia is playing this perfect. NATO is sending all their armaments to Ukraine and Russia just sits back until they are all stored and launches a cruise missile. Rinse and repeat and NATO/US is continuing to do this as if they have a collar and leash around their necks. Probably do and likes it.
If true, yikes! He and his staff has serious issues if they believe this to be true. Not least of which is that Ron already has an imaging problem (even the most staunch Ron supporters should be able to see that he is running a terrible campaign and is often silent on thinsg that nmatter nationally to conservatives,) now he is talking like he should be Nancy Pelosi's bestie.

Huh? We know it to be true. Trump wasn't himself, of course, but it's inarguable the rest of gov't was. The FBI had the laptop a year prior according to Rudy. You can't make the case they weren't trying to bury it. That's the sort of thing that happens when you appoint DC lifers and democrats to positions all over your government.

Or are you taking the position that Trump really was in charge and knew exactly what was going on? Creates a massive hole in the Trump didn't know what Fauci was up to defense. Oh, I guess he was on top of everything, except with the jab. The mountain of info one has to ignore to remain a Trump supporter is staggering.

Just like the BS claims throughout the thread that Trump was fighting child trafficking. Trump put Chris Wray in charge of the FBI. That move alone proves just how serious Trump was about it. Wasn't even on his radar, or he couldn't have made that decision.

Top to bottom, one of the most incompetent administrations imaginable. But keep up the mental gymnastics, I guess.
Russia is playing this perfect. NATO is sending all their armaments to Ukraine and Russia just sits back until they are all stored and launches a cruise missile. Rinse and repeat and NATO/US is continuing to do this as if they have a collar and leash around their necks. Probably do and likes it.
You mean our cross dressing military "leaders" are not good at what they do? Who could have seen that coming?
Huh? We know it to be true. Trump wasn't himself, of course, but it's inarguable the rest of gov't was. The FBI had the laptop a year prior according to Rudy. You can't make the case they weren't trying to bury it. That's the sort of thing that happens when you appoint DC lifers and democrats to positions all over your government.

Or are you taking the position that Trump really was in charge and knew exactly what was going on? Creates a massive hole in the Trump didn't know what Fauci was up to defense. Oh, I guess he was on top of everything, except with the jab. The mountain of info one has to ignore to remain a Trump supporter is staggering.

Just like the BS claims throughout the thread that Trump was fighting child trafficking. Trump put Chris Wray in charge of the FBI. That move alone proves just how serious Trump was about it. Wasn't even on his radar, or he couldn't have made that decision.

Top to bottom, one of the most incompetent administrations imaginable. But keep up the mental gymnastics, I guess.
Dude, where in my post did I mention Trump? This was not about Trump, but an accusation levied by his fading opponent. Even if it was You know I am not a huge Trump fan and have no issue calling him out for things.. At least I have made it very clear with you about 100000 times already in responses to your posts. You just have such a healthy distaste for Trump that any time your candidate of choice, Desantis, is mentioned in a bad light you get triggered and mention Trumps name right away. I get it, you hate Trump but the other candidates have warts as well and they are fair to point out. As much as you criticize people for being Trump apologists, you are the exact same any time someone calls Ronny boy into question. At least the first thing you do is try and make it about how bad Trump is. You are no different than anyone you have called out. I know you are better than that, so maybe start acting accordingly?

I did read your post, but I got out of it the above. Much more than any point you were tryinng to make in deflection of what my post was about.
Dude, where in my post did I mention Trump? This was not about Trump, but an accusation levied by his fading opponent. Even if it was You know I am not a huge Trump fan and have no issue calling him out for things.. At least I have made it very clear with you about 100000 times already in responses to your posts. You just have such a healthy distaste for Trump that any time your candidate of choice, Desantis, is mentioned in a bad light you get triggered and mention Trumps name right away. I get it, you hate Trump but the other candidates have warts as well and they are fair to point out. As much as you criticize people for being Trump apologists, you are the exact same any time someone calls Ronny boy into question. At least the first thing you do is try and make it about how bad Trump is. You are no different than anyone you have called out. I know you are better than that, so maybe start acting accordingly?

I did read your post, but I got out of it the above. Much more than any point you were tryinng to make in deflection of what my post was about.

Trump's own administration beyond the shadow of a doubt was working to keep the laptop buried, which you know, and for some reason ignored so you could take a shot at Desantis. You think it's off base or irrelevant that Trump's own administration was working against him? That's not a fair point for the Desantis campaign to make? You said he's silent on things that matter to conservatives, which is total BS. What you should have said was he's silent on things that matter to Trumpers, predominately, praising Donald Trump.

Trump is essentially an incumbent president and is only at ~50% according to the polls that Trumpians suddenly believe (many of these same polls say Trump would lose to Biden). Who's fading? From ~95%+ approval and ~100% of the republican vote from republicans to 50% is massive, fading doesn't even begin to describe it.

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