The GOP, part of the Uniparty, loves the corps, gov't and law enforcement just as much as the demlibs. There are very few in office who fight for the citizens. Most on both sides of the aisle play in the same cat box and are scared to hold anyone in power accountable. They will take our country down to 3rd world status to protect their butts. As Hildebitch said, "take me down and I'll take everyone down with me."View attachment 185314
Charlie Kirk on GETTR : The Democrat establishment fears RFK Jr. because of a fundamental shift in American politics. The right used to trust the institutions while the left did not. This has inverted. Corporations, the government, and federal law
The Democrat establishment fears RFK Jr. because of a fundamental shift in American politics. The right used to trust the institutions while the left did not. This has inverted. Corporations, the government, and federal law enforcement have all been co-opted by the left. RFK Jr. believes
If they have their way one will be in prison, in solitary, and the other will be disposed of. See Venezuelan popular candidates.Its so transparent is hilarious. And then they start another trial in Jan and another in June.... Dare people to vote for him.
I swear. I'm at the point that if they keep him from running I'm going to vote RFK jr. I don't agree with most of his postions but the deep state needs taken down and the 2 people the deep state really seem afraid of are Trump and RFKjr.