Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The reason to impeach Biden despite the Senate being split nearly 50-50 is very simple. You expose Biden for being a traitor who takes bribes as shown through bank records and shell companies and trusted witness testimony according to the FBI's own records.

Then you make Democratic senators endorse treason and bribery and corruption ahead of the 2024 elections.

Most Democratic voters are too partisan, compromised and ill-informed to care. But the moderates and independents in swing states are more brand-sensitive and making Biden own his corruption is important to make Trump vs. Biden a toss-up.

Then we might see an election based on merit and results, but no one should hold their breath.
There MAY be something big going on in Moscow right now. I stress the word MAY.

Part of me thinks "they can't be stupid enough to lie about something this big"... then I remember who we are dealing with.

I still think Prighozin is doing psyops. He's been talking shit for 7 months. Putin would have taken him out in Feb if it wasn't a plan (If Putin is the cold blooded killer he's supposed to be"). Prighozin isn't a military guy. Putin got him the spot to be ceo of Wagner. Prighozin was bitching about not getting ammo and food and gear all winter. I feel like he was saying that to get Ukr to keep sending troops to Bahkmut to die... Now if he was being serious and he really does have all these problems with people in the government and military... then why haven't they killed him? They could have done it and blamed it on Ukr.

It just doesn't make sense. I guess we should know by Sun if its real real.

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