Slavery Reparations Bill Passed by New York State Lawmakers
A commission to consider reparations to address the effects of slavery will proceed in New York under a bill passed Thursday.
Well, in all fairness it was probably Barry and not joePresident Biden Says Americans Can Trust That He Hasn’t Interfered in Trump Indictment Because ‘I’m Honest
President Biden Says Americans Can Trust That He Hasn't Interfered in Trump Indictment Because 'I'm Honest'
President Biden, when asked how those viewing the Trump indictment as politically motivated could trust the Department of Justice, insisted he hasn't swayed their decision-making and that Americans could believe him because "I'm honest."thepoliticalinsider.com
Comer explained that the 1023 implicated both Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, saying, "This was years before our work on the Oversight Committee brought out the fact that the Biden family were using multiple banks and multiple shell companies to launder money from foreign nationals. Nobody knew about this back in 2020."![]()
It’s ‘Organized Crime’: Chairman Comer Reveals That The FBI Possesses Even More Informant Documents Detailing Biden’s Bribery - ‘Over $20 Million’
On Thursday evening, Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) joined Sean Hannity to discuss the Biden bribery scandal and t...dcenquirer.com
Dems care more about the donkey party than little kids.People need to wake the FUCK up!! Anyone that doesn’t question $65,000 worth of hotdogs and pizza flown into the white house after being shown pedo code terms and seeing Hillary complain about getting them from the same source is a moron.
Comer explained that the 1023 implicated both Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, saying, "This was years before our work on the Oversight Committee brought out the fact that the Biden family were using multiple banks and multiple shell companies to launder money from foreign nationals. Nobody knew about this back in 2020."
Neither do Mormons or any group of people who worship something other than Jesus Chris as Lord and Savior.Muslims do not understand their god is Satan.
Hey, can you tell me about some of the things DeSantis said in public and then did a 180 on in private?Neither do Mormons or any group of people who worship something other than Jesus Chris as Lord and Savior.
Christie going after Trump. Heavily implying that his family is on the take.
I hear you bro. Keep a bug out bag and a monthly subscription to buying ammo as a part of that plan tho. We haven’t even begun to see what the true American people can be capable of if shit actually hits the fan. Prepare for the worst whilst trying to enjoy the remainder of your life. That’s my plan anyway.Damnit man. I'm 50 years old, so I figure if my body and health hold out that I have 25-30 years left on this planet. I am at the point now that I believe that the "experiment" known as the United States of America is over. Buildings and uniforms may still say United States of America, US Army, US Marines etc., but I think we are done. I hate it that my 2 sons are going to have to deal with what we have allowed to happen here. Money has corrupted everything, and those with the money don't give a rat's ass about those of us who don't. This country in no way shape and form resembles what I knew 27 years ago when I enlisted in the US Army. I'm gonna control what I can control, and do right by my friends and family, but FFS I'm at the point that there may be nothing we can do to turn this around. The powers that be are just getting started I fear, and that frog is starting to boil.
Big business protects its interests at the expense of all else; including integrity. It corrupts to best serve itself.I may have had a few words about that.
It is tragic that we only get the candidates that we do. As Americans, we should be embarrassed. When was the last time a president of this country was liked, at least in part, by people from both sides of the political spectrum? Seriously, we had Joe Biden running against Donald Trump for leader of the free world. That is terrible IMO. Trump was the better choice, and I am not sure that is saying much about Trump as much as it is about how disgusting Joe Biden is.