Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Well, at least he came out against it. Whether he does anything or not, we will soon see. Has the turtle said anything? How about the rest of the demo-rino's in the senate?

BTW, this just emboldens Trump supporters and brings more into the fold as well. Say what you will about Donald, this just screams political motives and very little else. Imagine how many presidents have illegally took classified stuff with them? (Biden, which we know he took everything with him) This is straight out of socialist and communist countries playbook.
He also said early on there will be no impeachments.
I told you once before we are the “Free Speech Forum”, but not a troll forum.

Final warning quit dicking up this thread.

Go ahead, you’re more than welcome to provide a counter argument… But you’re not allowed to respond like a fucking asshole to every post with zero point to be made otherwise.

My “Benevolence” has run out.
You have my support! Not that you need it... but that's what I would have done....
Unless one is specifically getting a higher education degree for a 'specific' field of study - like medicine...?

Too many folks are running around with degrees that prove they are educated beyond their intelligence.

Problem is today that primary education has turned into cultural indoctrination and has nothing to do with 'education'. It's a babysitting service and 'college' has turned into a 'finishing' program that polishes the turd.

Better to seek a career as an HVAC or a plumber et al.
Spoke with the owner of a cheesesteak shop yesterday. He said he has 4 children and told them early on that being in the trades will get you farther than a sociology degree. He funded his son's venture into HVAC. Son expanded to 8 trucks then brought younger brother in to work, learn and build a clientele. Brother broke off with 2 trucks funded by older brother for 30% of business for 10 years. Daughter is executive with LinkedIn. A smart man and family.
I don't see this happening. They will get called out when they spread their propaganda, both will lose the protection they have enjoyed for years. Free speech only benefits the truthtellers and those seeking the truth.
Yea. Maddow wouldn't want to see how unpopular she really is. She was only getting 100,000 viewers most nights. There are plenty of youtubers who get more views every day.

It is difficult to argue otherwise nowadays. The American college system is flooded with people who support Ukraine and pride month. I mean the actual admins and professors. These kids are coming out of school ill prepared for what life is going to throw at them because they aren't being taught the curriculum. Not true of every college of professor but it is a majority of them. I would also say that 56% numbr should be more.
He also said early on there will be no impeachments.
I do not care about impeachments. It would never pass through the senate anyway with that bunch of worthless scabs that preside over there. Also, do we really want Kamala Harris as president? They are both terrible and unless you can get them both impeached, why waste the time and money doing it? The house already does a whole lot of nothing to begin with and they need all the time they can do get that done.

They arrest Christians for praying outside abortion mills.

They convict grannies for waving flags in the Capitol.

They shut down your churches and destroy your businesses while they riot in the streets and burn your cities to the ground.

They gift weapons to terrorists and then try to ban you from defending yourself.

They start pointless wars and kill millions while accusing you of violence.

They assassinate presidents and run coups against the ones they can’t kill and then smear you as anti-democratic.

They rig elections and weaponize viruses and then censor you for noticing.

They cover up their own crimes and then they indict, arrest, and convict the people you elected for daring to challenge them.

The country you once loved and fought for — the country whose ideals you were willing to give your life for — that country is dead.

And the people in charge today are responsible for its murder.

The only question is what are you going to do about it?

^^ACLU and SPLC need to be extinguished&&

We all may not believe in the same things religiously and may be very different people in general but i think we can all agree that people trying to groom children are beyond sick and we (the 99.95% of the world need to put an end to this type of criminality and pedophilia. Muslims nd Christians can get along, especially when the devils faction is at work in the LBGQTsickos agenda.
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