Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I mean seriously Brother. I hate the Vaccine. I hate that he pushes it. It was made bc they were going to make it anyway. He takes credit for it. Fauci and Brix I dont get what you think should have happened. That and all the other arguments you continue to use to attack him and paint as something im not sure dont make sense. What youre saying is he should have fired Fauci (Ive seen this responded to for you in this thread and it is the correct answer) and Brix or not had them on the CV response team. And because he didnt it proves what? That entire premises is silly. Completely silly for a multitude of reasons. It and a bunch of your other truly nonsensical charges of him do not really even deserve a response. If he fired Fauci it would have resulted in pure chaos. Operations / Businesses dont function like you allege. I dont know what else to say.
I dont care about the stuff you rail against for whatever reason. Trump is the only person out there not attached to those in DC and is the only person willing to stand up for what is needed and fight this globalization. I like Ron but hes not ready yet and seems to be sliding into this American politics. this isnt about American politics anymore. Its global. Period.

Firing Fauci would have been chaos? Pure nonsense. No one even knew who he was. The alternative - for which you give Trump a pass - is the fake pandemic which was used to kill millions, and Trump's vaccine is going to kill exponentially more. The chaos the CV response and vax will eventually lead to is far worse than whatever you've dreamt up about firing Fauci. And here we are, campaign 2024, and Trump is (once again) promising to do all the things that for some reason you claim are impossible. Why, drain the swamp? He can't do that! Oh, wait, but it's Trump, so now he can, he's learned from his first term. Which is it?

You're right about one thing, this is global. The globalists want to destroy the last bastion of freedom. Being ready for what happened in Feb/Mar 2020 is what being President is all about. Trump's primary job was to protect the country. But when the wolf was at the door, ready to destroy our economy and our way of life, Trump let the wolf in, and then led it on its rampage. "He didn't know!" That's the reason he was there, to know. The vaccine is not some minor issue you seem to pretend, if the world continues, it will haunt America for decades to come. Millions have died, and millions more will. And it is - from his own mouth - his vaccine.

You don't care about all those failures. I have no idea what else to say to that. That you think that's unimportant that he was completely unprepared is a concept that is beyond me.
Once you 'see' their plan it's easy to defeat it. You also see how they manipulate the people.

View attachment 183328

The next step in the Deep State Plan to
get the base to TURN AGAINST TRUMP

They're gonna SHIFT the blame for THEIR
Pandemic onto Trump.

Every step of it.

All the damage done by
the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines.


DJT is gonna INSTANTLY be called a mass
murderer by people who've been trying to
build street cred with you for the past
several years.

“Trump's disqualified, you MUST go DeSantis!"

🤣 Stew Peters is part of "they".

When they quit hiding Vax data and flip it on Trump, how is it not his responsibility? How many did he convince to take it? They lied to Trump and he in turn lied to us? Trump owns this.

Has Trump not one advisor he can count on? I said the below 2 years ago, when I was still a Trump supporter. If a mere hillbilly from East TN can see this, how is it not one person on Team Trump could've advised him? Trying to walk it back after 2.5 years of championing murder-shot will be as believable as Lindsay Graham scoring babes.

My guess is it does something far worse. Covid is a non-event for the healthy, and they want to kill off millions.

When they switch to ‘vaccine bad’, they’ll blame Trump. He fast tracked it and recommenced it to everyone.
Stew Peters would know about “peters.” His latest Trump Tweet has rendered him “dead” to me. He’s either stupid or a paid operator.

He's been anti-vax from the start. He's "stupid" or "paid" for taking Trump at his word?

Rolly: He can't blame Trump!!!
Trump: You could say I'm the father of the vaccine. It never would have happened without me. Fauci said it would take 5 years.

Which one of you has the illogical position?
You dont realize what youre saying is just plain false. Imo I see what I see and seen it unfolding with my own eyes. your accusations of where I derive my information is completely false. Not you, trump or anybody for that matter could tell me what I believe. It seems youre brainwashed into believing whatever it is. Accursing Trump of being a whatever bc he didnt come in and shoot the entire system down is so far out there and made up its the literal word obnoxious. You parroting the stupid line that Im falling for anything Trump says doesnt make sense. I watch zero of his stuff. I watch a portion of the town hall. I come up with me information based on being the smartest person in the room everywhere I am. (not self proclaimed either) Lol. I love Ron but he needs to be careful, and tread correctly for me. He has the roots of a political globalist swamp.
It's not ego. He's played the fool repeatedly. How many coded twitter errors, or coded mis-speaks? If it was ego, he'd have thrown his advisors under the bus long ago, as he's done in several other instances. He's continuing this claim for a very specific reason. Once again, he's playing the fool. Ask yourself why?

He definitely has an ego, but that's not what's driving this.
Zero. There have been zero (0) coded Twitter errors and zero (0) coded mis-speaks. He's not sending secret messages to his fan club. He's just hitting send before proofreading.
Aside, I have all the liberal pukes on ignore. If you gentleman would ignore them they wouldn’t be able to sidetrack this thread.
There’s no such thing as liberal or conservative anymore. It’s in the club versus out of the club, and we all here are most certainly out of the club. Don’t lose focus if they happen to use sanitarium escapees to further their avarice and greed.


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