Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I hope these MDs, hospitals and anyone else are sued into the millions.


I hope these two sue that company for millions.
[Brian Cates on Telegram]

As The Great Awakening picks up speed, and millions more become alert, they are being FORCED to rapidly speed up their own agenda.

Notice as they destroy food production around the world, and clamp down on farming in places like Denmark, they are suddenly also talking up LAB GROWN MEAT AND BUGS?

Its all connected.

We don't NEED farming because vee vill awl be eating zee LAB CHRWON MEET & EATING ALL ZEE BUGS.

They're not hiding it, are they?

[Brian Cates on Telegram]

As The Great Awakening picks up speed, and millions more become alert, they are being FORCED to rapidly speed up their own agenda.

Notice as they destroy food production around the world, and clamp down on farming in places like Denmark, they are suddenly also talking up LAB GROWN MEAT AND BUGS?

Its all connected.

We don't NEED farming because vee vill awl be eating zee LAB CHRWON MEET & EATING ALL ZEE BUGS.

They're not hiding it, are they?

This is a friendly reminder that the people trying to do this to us are all made of meat.


I truly miss the days when looters were shot on sight.
Not really. Only one man was president.

It doesn't matter who is at the top? "Everyone around them" should have been Trump's people, not Fauci and Birx. Trump was wholly unprepared. 3 years later, he still has no clue just how unprepared he was. Still claims he saved millions of lives instead of killing and maiming millions. His own words: "Never would have happened without me".

Desantis and every other Gov was following Trump's lead. Blame them for that if you must. Trump didn't know is no excuse. It was his job to know. But instead of bringing an army of outsiders to help drain the swamp, Trump put the swamp in charge of almost everything.
I'm sure the dnc, media, fbi and cia trying to frame him and his people for treason had nothing to do with that. You realize that if Ron wins the nomination, they will just turn the screws on him right? Are you going to abandon him too until we get a nominee that the fbi and media are OK with us having?

We don't need to do their work for them... Ron supporters or Trump supporters. The swamp is the enemy.
Yet, despite everything, the uniparty will prevail on this.

I am unfamiliar with the procedures on stopping this from being voted into law, but I hope they use everything they can to stop this "deal."
This bill is a disaster and must be voted no. I have no doubt it will pass though and any reason to vote for a Republican will disappear after that for me.


I'm sure the dnc, media, fbi and cia trying to frame him and his people for treason had nothing to do with that. You realize that if Ron wins the nomination, they will just turn the screws on him right? Are you going to abandon him too until we get a nominee that the fbi and media are OK with us having?

We don't need to do their work for them... Ron supporters or Trump supporters. The swamp is the enemy.

What sort of straw man is this? My opposition to Trump has nothing to do with the BS investigations or supporting DeSantis. I'm tired of the neverending hypocrisy of Trump supporters. The nomination and election are irrelevant, Trump can only win if the elites want him to.

You don't want "their work done for them" you should be talking to the Trump campaign. He and his legion of paid shills went to work on Desantis the minute he didn't bend the knee to Trump.
This bill is a disaster and must be voted no. I have no doubt it will pass though and any reason to vote for a Republican will disappear after that for me.

As liberal as Hollywood is, they slightly unveiled where our government has been going in a movie called "Dave".

An ordinary guy, Dave, looks like the President, and takes his place while the real president is secretly hidden after a heart attack. Dave breaks agenda during the cabinet meeting with a full press corps and starts slashing budget items to get in his project.

I know it isn't that easy, but if we actually took a look at what bullshit has been added over the past decade, it would be easy to slash that crap and return us to reality. A pipedream, I know, but some ordinary people have started to "infiltrate" our Congress to the point that this debt ceiling bill has raised eyebrows. I agree with Chip Roy, get these spending levels down. Slash the crap, and get our government to solvency. It isn't impossible.
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