Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^this is how you do it^^


Is that what really happened? Or was it like Virginia and Glen Youngkin, where they might have thrown us a bone so they have something to point at to show elections are "fair"?

Why would the FBI have been afraid of Trump? He was the one who put Chris Wray in charge of the FBI. Not one of the Bushes, not Clinton, not Obama, Trump.

If they didn't think they had 2024 on lockdown, or at least enough control to protect themselves, they wouldn't be so brazenly anti-American, anti-patriot, anti-Christ. They're emboldened, the closer to '24 we get, the worse they get. They clearly don't fear elections.
Yes they put him in there to throw us a bone simply so they could throw the greatest coup attempt in US history against a sitting POTUS and seethe hatred at every fucking level from their media puppets, Intel agencies and even the DoD Pentagon pieces of shit. I swear, you are one of the dumbest smart people in this thread. OR you are controlled opposition.

The planes hit the buildings. That’s an irrefutable fact. And the buildings began to collapse from the exact impact points. Again irrefutable fact. Now did we allow it to happen, the official narrative, etc all good questions. But two aircraft full of civilians, all who have families, relatives, friends who are still alive today got on airplanes with the hijackers and those planes flew into the World Trade Center. No amount of what-aboutIsm can change the fact that those events occurred.
Not picking nits here, but 'irrefutable' might be a stretch. Most folks didn't know what CGI was back then.

One could argue the reason the buildings started to collapse at the 'exact' impact points is because transponders guided the planes to that point (where they put the explosive charges?) Plenty of firefighter online video testimonies stating 'Explosions were happening everywhere.'

What nobody is discussing is why the government came down hard on the PhD (Utah?) professor who crunched the numbers and said "Hey, these buildings came down at free fall rates! Which is impossible unless demolition charges were used!"

He got fired pronto from his university. The MSM came up with all kinds of 'reasons' why he was crazy for 'suggesting' that happened. They totally ignored his posits. Even Popular Mechanics bent the rules of physics and came up with a 'plausible' explanation as to why 2 planes brought down 3 buildings designed to never be brought down by planes.

And lest we forget Enron - one of the biggest financial scandals of the time? Building 7 housed ALL the files related to the pending court case regarding that escapade. Ken Lay was CEO and he mysteriously died just before being sentenced. (if you can trust wikipedia - the 'editable' source?)

And lest we also forget Rumsfeld announcing on national TV the day before that the Pentagon couldn't account for $2.3 Trillion that went 'missing'.

Of course, if one were to rewind to 1999 and read the PNAC white paper that said "...what we need is a Pearl Harbor-like event to get the American people to back a war..."

... and 'just like that' we GOT a Pearl Harbor-like event just a few years later... AFTER "W" was installed - remember the Florida chad episode and the SCOTUS weighing in? What do you think that was all about anyway?

Never mind that "W's" brother Jeb just happened to be the 'Governor' of Florida... i.e., they had 'their guy' in position.

and people associated with PNAC were involved with "W's" administration?

Never mind that Gen Wesley Clark made this comment: "7 countries in 7 years"

After 911, when planes hit 2 buildings, but 3 buildings fell at free-fall speed, we invaded Afghanistan - which had nothing to do with planes hitting buildings that fell at free-fall speeds - but DID offer the military a starting point to launch an invasion of IRAQ and assassinate Saddam Hussein who also had nothing to do with 911 and hated Bin Laden, who also had nothing to do with 911.

BUT Saddam did trade oil for Euros thus challenging the mighty Petro Dollar (render unto Caesar what is Caesar's?) which allowed the US to create mayhem and destruction and regime change because Saddam (a CIA asset) invaded Kuwait? and don't forget Muammar Gaddafi president of Libya who announced his plan to sell oil for gold Dinars throughout Africa thus also challenging the mighty Petro Dollar (render unto Caesar what is Caesar's?) Starting to 'see a pattern here?'

Then there was the (false) "Babies being thrown out of incubators!" and the "Yellow cake" excuse for invading a 3rd world nation and massacring a million civilians - because we have God on our side and we need to bring democracy to these heathen savages....

Remember Rumsfeld saying "The oil in Iraq will pay for the war."???

I love it when a plan comes together don't you?!

I could go on, but there's way more to consider than 'irrefutable evidence' that is easily 'refuted' by facts.
Well, now we know for sure they’re planning a cyber attack. Ten days of darkness @Jayhox?

I bet every one of them that got a phone is a swamp rat that supports the deep state. I also bet the majority of them are Democrats.
10 days of darkness would be Hell on Earth. With no "authority figures" or presumably their electronic surveillance it would be civil (uncivil actually) war. Payback, reckoning, retribution, real or manufactured would be far and wide. They will first come for those they have a grievance with or had one at any time in the past, Then, they will come for you, your food, your property, your cars, your gas, your firewood and all else. The Jungle will be upon all.
^^this is how you do it^^

Let me guess. CNN said he’s practically living in club med because he’s not a black chick with a dick.
We are in a COG
Continuity of Government

Im now almost 100% sure. Long time customer who ive known was a high up military man finally opened up to me. Hes been contacted about returning to active duty. He just took me down this rabbit hole and caught me up with everything.
And... if you've taken the time to read Jon Herold's "Devolution Series" you can all 'catch up' with what is going on behind the scenes. You might be surprised!


10 days of darkness would be Hell on Earth. With no "authority figures" or presumably their electronic surveillance it would be civil (uncivil actually) war. Payback, reckoning, retribution, real or manufactured would be far and wide. They will first come for those they have a grievance with or had one at any time in the past, Then, they will come for you, your food, your property, your cars, your gas, your firewood and all else. The Jungle will be upon all.

Sound exactly like something they’d love to do.
Yes they put him in there to throw us a bone simply so they could throw the greatest coup attempt in US history against a sitting POTUS and seethe hatred at every fucking level from their media puppets, Intel agencies and even the DoD Pentagon pieces of shit. I swear, you are one of the dumbest smart people in this thread. OR you are controlled opposition.

Most on the left have a seething hatred for him. Most on the left couldn't name even a single reason they hate him. They hate him because they were told to, and Trump loves playing the villain to the opposition, which feeds their hatred. They need a boogeyman, Trump fills the role, wittingly or not.

I stand on fact, not emotion. Trump put Chris Wray in charge of the FBI. Trump chose Pence as his VP. When these are the kind of decisions he makes, why would the FBI fear him? He made the DS stronger than ever, and yet he's the champion who will bring it down? He and Gen. Flynn are the masterminds who will conquer the DS, yet are such morons they somehow put the DS in charge of Trump's administration, and in Flynn's case, got outwitted by Dementia Joe and lackwit James Comey?

If one looks at the facts instead of the stump speeches, there's 2 roads with Trump. One is Trump is controlled opposition, the other is that he's an imbecile who unwittingly destroyed his own administration.

Something with Trump doesn't add up. The same guy who said elections are rigged, Romney really beat Obama, then does next to nothing to secure elections? I can't imagine what mental hoops you and others jump through to justify that he's MAGA and not something entirely different.

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