Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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There’s a lot of conspiracy shot I believe in…9/11 isn’t one of them. There’s plenty of blame to go around but it’s the result of incompetence
I want to know about building 7. I also want to know about the so called plane that hit the pentagon. Finally, I wish they just admit thaey shot down United 93. However i do believe that 2 planes hit the twin towers, but I believe our govt took advantage of the situation!
I’m more interested in your reporting on the Banquet Beer with your avatar.
Used to be a quans
I’m more interested in your reporting on the Banquet Beer with your avatar.
Used to be a quonset but on an old military base west of town. A guy bought it and moved it to town and turned it into the first Pizza Hut in town. A friend of mine bought it when Pizza Hut went to a modern look and he painted it to look like a coors can. Had my 1st beer in the place. It was a staple bar in town for I’m guessing 30 years.
Screw pride month and everything about it!!! They are guilty of being associated and supporting the grooming of children in this country, enabling pedophiles with that support, and trying to undermine other peoples children without their knowledge or consent. Eff them all. I say that with as much sincerely as one can have. These people are sick and should be treated as such.
Couldn’t you say that about the Catholic Church?
Are you going to die at multiple places at the same time?

And shut the fuck up. You’re retarded. Going to go die for a complete strangers farm? 😂😅😂
I wish your poor mother was more equipped to fight off your nasty dads rape of her that resulted in you. I give that women credit for not aborting you. Although it seems you caught the latter part of the gene pool in your parents. I feel sorry for your mom for that. How is she doing btw?
The Frorida Trans Ams wourd dominate that shitty reague. I’d run a basic middre schoor hi-ro offense and a 3-2 zone defense. There wourd be no mercy.
They are doing everything they can to support this shitty product. Loading up teams in important markets, "protecting" Becky Hammon for her remarks, advertising a game that would be changed forever by one "trans" coming on board and dominating
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And the murder rate for us would be even lower if we could fix cultural issues in the black community

The Daily Signal talked to current and former Fox employees who requested anonymity to speak candidly about the company.

“They want you to think it’s this place that supports traditionally conservative values,” a former producer for “Tucker Carlson Tonight” told The Daily Signal. “But in reality, they’re pushing this nonsense behind the scenes.”

A source who still works at Fox News told The Daily Signal that after Carlson’s show was canceled in April, producers for the new 8 p.m. “Fox News Tonight” program were told not to bash Mulvaney. That directive came from high-level executives, the source said.

Fox News did not respond to The Daily Signal’s multiple requests for comment.

Under the category “Gender Transition,” Fox’s employee handbook promises that the company is dedicated to “expanding and strengthening” efforts to “sustain a more inclusive work environment.” The Fox employee handbook is posted on Workday, where employees can see company guidelines or policies, a former employee told The Daily Signal.
Plenty of people to blame in our govt, who may or may not be involved. Pretty sophisticated operation for some cave dwellers. Wasn’t it recently revealed some of the hijackers or something like that was CIA assests.

Our government may not have orchestrated it but they knew it was coming. I am on the side of all the big historical events being full of lies and deceit. These events always usher in more control or war for the government. Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Covid-19, etc.

There is plenty of other material showing our govt trying to cause events that lead to their goal. Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, etc

Yes regarding the CIA assets. At 100% absolute best they let it happen.
The saga of Jury Duty.

Went today. First, they wouldn't let me through security due to having a "John Wayne" can opener on my key chain. This is a small metal device used to open cans of MREs. It is harmless but they considered it a machete. They did pass the other keys on my key chain, all of which would do more damage than the can opener. When I went to check in after taking my can opener to my car, they told me their computer failed to input my 10 page questionnaire. The same one I filled out the day I got my summons. I was told to wait for one of their computers to be available to redo my questionnaire. I said if I have to do that then I invoke the "over 70 years of age" exclusion. They said OK, you're free to go.

To leave the parking garage, I had to pay $3 notwithstanding I had a parking voucher. My $6 jury pay just became $3 and I spent more than the other $3 on gas to get there and back.
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The saga of Jury Duty.

Went today. First, they wouldn't let me through security due to having a "John Wayne" can opener on my key chain. This is a small metal device used to open cans of MREs. It is harmless but they considered it a machete. They did pass the other keys on my key chain, all of which would do more damage than the can opener. When I went to check in after taking my can opener to my car, they told me their computer failed to input my 10 page questionnaire. The same one I filled out the day I got my summons. I was told to wait for one of their computers to be available to redo my questionnaire. I said if I have to do that then I invoke the "over 70 years of age" exclusion. They said OK, you're free to do.

To leave the parking garage, I had to pay $3 notwithstanding I had a parking voucher. My $6 jury pay just became $3 and I spent more than the other $3 on gas to get there and back.
P-38. My old man still carries his around on a key chain as well. Skol!
P-38. My old man still carries his around on a key chain as well. Skol!
I just learned it was called P-38 a couple of years ago. I always called it a John Wayne.

The rent-a-cop tried to remove it from my key chain and seize it. I said No.

On another subject, I have a huge Black Walnut tree in my front yard. It is aborting its black walnut seeds. Sounds like my roof is being hit with gravel. Hundreds of these little green seeds everywhere. Happens yearly.

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I think the stat I saw was, remove Memphis, N.O., Chicago and St Louis and we wouldn't be top 150. May have been a different mix of cities but it was eye opening and never to be seen on TV
You won't ever see it either. Destroys the truth of the matter and they certainly do not want anything truthful to get out that makes them look like bigger liars than everyone already knows they are. The grift is real with these people
I wish your poor mother was more equipped to fight off your nasty dads rape of her that resulted in you. I give that women credit for not aborting you. Although it seems you caught the latter part of the gene pool in your parents. I feel sorry for your mom for that. How is she doing btw?
It appears to me that his mother did try to abort him. Only a moron at his level can exist because of a failed at term abortion.
Used to be a quonset hut on an old military base west of town. A guy bought it and moved it to town and turned it into the first Pizza Hut in town. A friend of mine bought it when Pizza Hut went to a modern look and he painted it to look like a coors can. Had my 1st beer in the place. It was a staple bar in town for I’m guessing 30 years.

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