There’s a lot of conspiracy shot I believe in…9/11 isn’t one of them. There’s plenty of blame to go around but it’s the result of incompetence
Gon On....
So you believe a few camel-jockeys with less than 15 hours as student pilots that couldn't land a Cessna 152 just jumped in the cockpit of a 57 and did some "pilot shit" that would make Maverick jealous.

Crashed into a building designed to take the direct hit of a jumbo-jet - and after 99% of the jet fuel ignited on impact the only 2 steel buildings ever to collapse from fire collapsed in +/- under an hour in perfect free fall.
Then after the huge explosion and fire all of the "terrorists" passports were found on the ground in pristine shape.
Ok take it from there chief...
Just to help you out here is a video of a Jumbo-Jet with a flat-tire barely moving hitting a light pole. And we're to believe these aluminum planes ripped thru a steel building...
Sorry I'll let you get back to your Fairy-Tale...