Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Injecting swine since 2018. No more pork for us
I promise if they threaten to take any American Farm by force I will be there and I will die that day.

My grandfather had a small farm in Oklahoma after he retired. Couldn’t imagine anyone trying to forcible take his cattle and land.

F these satanic cowards.
Are you going to die at multiple places at the same time?

And shut the fuck up. You’re retarded. Going to go die for a complete strangers farm? 😂😅😂

I actually love black people. I’d love to have kids with a black woman and have beautiful black children with big full lips, dark skin and curly hair.

The reason I point out reverse racism is this; If I said I want beautiful white skinned children with fair blonde hair and blue eyes, you’d react differently.

Ask yourself why you weren’t triggered until the 4th paragraph and maybe you’ll understand why I call out bullshit.

In the quest to make the world better for POC making it WORSE for white people isn’t the way.

White people deserve to be as proud and happy about who they are as everybody else is.

If you don’t like that?
You’re the racist.

So here’s something they don’t tell you about transgenders.

When you create the fake vagina (vaginoplasty), the opening of the hole can’t accommodate a penis much more than 2-4 inches.
So, basically, you get your penis cut off and unless you only plan on having sex with Adam Kinzinger or Prince Harry, you can’t even fit a penis inside of you.

All that for nothing. It gets worse, though.
Since it’s a surgical wound, hair often grows inside of it causing pain and infections.

Many times you can’t even control incontinence so you’re leaking urine all day and night. How sexy is it wearing a diaper all day?

But it gets worse, you have to dilate the opening every few days or it closes.
So your whole your spending shoving random things in the hole to make sure it doesn’t close.

This is the stuff that they’re promoting to ten year olds.
It’s not just putting on a dress.
It is actual mutilation of a human being.
In a civilized society, the practice would be called barbaric.

Clowns like her and Uncle Mitt are politically clueless, like lambs to the slaughter living in the past where 10% tax cuts and and a little deregulation could win you the general and the WH

Combined w the desire to be clean and above the fray and only very very slightly controversial and unexposed on social issues, they are dinosaurs , soon to be extinct

Them and "their" Party

Last night we spoke about the fake vaginal surgery transgenders undergo.
Now, let's talk about the fake penis surgery.
A phalloplasty is absolutely brutal.

First, the woman has to undergo a hysterectomy.
Then, the woman has to have her ovaries removed.
Those two surgeries alone are absolutely brutal and tough recoveries.
Then, you have to have a "vaginal mucosal ablation", that's a fancy way of saying that they SEW THE VAGINA CLOSED. And it only gets worse from there.

The doctors need tissue from your body to build your fake penis from, so they CUT SKIN OFF OF YOUR ARM, YOUR THIGH OR YOUR BACK.
Doesn't that sound pleasant?
After all that is over, they begin constructing your penis.
When that's all done, you have your fake penis that barely works.
It can hardly get an erection.
It feels no real pleasure.
It's just there.
If you want the erection device, that's a whole different level of complicated surgeries and it is even more complicated.

That's if you make it through.
There are many stories of people having a fistula and stricture in their new urethras and being stuck with a suprapubic catheter for months.

Of course there are the infections.
Those are brutal.
And this is not your average UTI.
This is the body rejecting a foreign object.
Then there are the times when the tissue dies and you're just stuck with a dead organ. Ejaculation isn't possible.
That just isn't going to happen.
And that's in the best scenario.

You're talking 1-3 years worth of surgeries before it's all over in some cases.
In briefly looking at literature, the lowest rate of complications I've seen is 25%.
More commonly, the number seems to hover around 40%.
So, when you see these people telling ten year olds they should sew their vagina closed up and attach a fake penis, you're talking about actual barbarism.
This is what they want for our kids.
This is the agenda.
I won't stand for it.
This stuff is serious and it is ruining people's lives.
Clowns like her and Uncle Mitt are politically clueless, like lambs to the slaughter living in the past where 10% tax cuts and and a little deregulation could win you the general and the WH

Combined w the desire to be clean and above the fray and only very very slightly controversial and unexposed on social issues, they are dinosaurs , soon to be extinct

Them and "their" Party
Sorry. They are not lambs to the slaughter. They are leading lambs to the slaughter. Yes. There are many patriots that still believe the Romneys don’t hate America.

Last night we spoke about the fake vaginal surgery transgenders undergo.
Now, let's talk about the fake penis surgery.
A phalloplasty is absolutely brutal.

First, the woman has to undergo a hysterectomy.
Then, the woman has to have her ovaries removed.
Those two surgeries alone are absolutely brutal and tough recoveries.
Then, you have to have a "vaginal mucosal ablation", that's a fancy way of saying that they SEW THE VAGINA CLOSED. And it only gets worse from there.

The doctors need tissue from your body to build your fake penis from, so they CUT SKIN OFF OF YOUR ARM, YOUR THIGH OR YOUR BACK.
Doesn't that sound pleasant?
After all that is over, they begin constructing your penis.
When that's all done, you have your fake penis that barely works.
It can hardly get an erection.
It feels no real pleasure.
It's just there.
If you want the erection device, that's a whole different level of complicated surgeries and it is even more complicated.

That's if you make it through.
There are many stories of people having a fistula and stricture in their new urethras and being stuck with a suprapubic catheter for months.

Of course there are the infections.
Those are brutal.
And this is not your average UTI.
This is the body rejecting a foreign object.
Then there are the times when the tissue dies and you're just stuck with a dead organ. Ejaculation isn't possible.
That just isn't going to happen.
And that's in the best scenario.

You're talking 1-3 years worth of surgeries before it's all over in some cases.
In briefly looking at literature, the lowest rate of complications I've seen is 25%.
More commonly, the number seems to hover around 40%.
So, when you see these people telling ten year olds they should sew their vagina closed up and attach a fake penis, you're talking about actual barbarism.
This is what they want for our kids.
This is the agenda.
I won't stand for it.
This stuff is serious and it is ruining people's lives.

That sounds like a lot of $$$&$$$$.

God had a better plan…

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