Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I don't think they're importing voters. They don't want to answer to voters, regardless of skin color or political beliefs. They don't need voters to win elections, they've proven that.

They're importing trouble, chaos, and thugs for their gov't organized hit squads.

They’re trying to collapse our entire system so they can move toward communism.
I don't think they're importing voters. They don't want to answer to voters, regardless of skin color or political beliefs. They don't need voters to win elections, they've proven that.

They're importing trouble, chaos, and thugs for their gov't organized hit squads.
Yeah, I agree with that. I was more referring to names they can just throw on voter rolls as another form of cheating that they employ. Which is essentially what AmericanViking said above in his reference to communism.
"Lard Butt"

I get some people are dealt a bad hand and are overweight at least partially because of health reasons. I sympathize with them because almost all those folks I know want to lose weight and be in good health. However there are those, like this "lady" above who think it is okay to be fat. That is wrong in so many ways and in no way should companies change everything because you think being fat is a good thing.


They’re trying to collapse our entire system so they can move toward communism.
"Food is a weapon" the UN

Hiding the fact that Pizzagate was just the entre' and that the world is run by a pedofile elite attempting to 'normalize' their deviant behavior so that when their crimes are revealed, the people will shrug their collective shoulders and say "So what? Everyone does it."
And it begins.

Max’s (my last baby) last day of school was yesterday. (Lax playoffs is going on. Max had 7 goals Tuesday, including the winning goal in OT. He was a little salty for good reason and basically said ‘fuck all this. Enjoy the show’. ) I knew the exact second that switch flipped. He looked up at me and smiled. (Ahem.. at no time do you want to be the only defender on goal watching Max coming at you knowing he’s going to shoot. You’ll lose.) And he’ll take that shot to the head and still score for the win. 😂

That stick FLEW😂😂😂😂 Yes, that's me obnoxiously ‘wooooooing’ and his sister cheering 'good job, Buddy!' .
(we're loud)

Back to...

Party grind (I’m as guilty as everybody else. My wedding cost less than these parties😂) Volunteer hours. baccalaureate, commencement, family coming in from everywhere. It’s hectic. And oh so good.

But holy shit y’all. My baby is graduating and committed. I got 4 humans successfully raised to legal adulthood. A journey I started when I was 22 years old. I’M A SUCCESS!!!!! 😂

Seriously. This is going to be so hard. Letting him go do what we raised him to do. Be his own man with no excuse or apology. As we raised our ladies.

My oldest girl, I was a mess. The fact that she went 2/3 of the country away and I knew she wouldn’t be coming back.....But I made sure she never knew. I want my children to fly and go and live.

But Max. Yeah,

. I’ll see him. Hell I’ll be at every home game. But he’s my boy and the baby. This is more than launching your kids into their lives. This will change my life. I'm a wife and a mommy. We sacrificed and worked for what we wanted for our our family.

In a short 3 months, for the first time in 27 years, I won’t have a child at home with me. I’m so proud. I’m sad. I'm happy. I’m a little scared. And I’m excited for all of us.

Edit:when he actually graduates with diploma in hand, I'll post some hilarious pics. 😂.

And you will know these boys are mine...aka yours.

Good job being a Great parent, fun times ahead when the grandkids arrive. My kids are raised too, now passing along my skills on the next generation of grandkids.
Now do rorrer coasters. Better yet, do that drop tower at Icon park where the unrucky fat kid went sprat.

Why should a skinny person pay the same fare price as a fat lard with twice the mass?

They might have to seriously go to one seat on each side of aisle to accommodate her. Also, I pity the people sitting next to her. Guaranteed she didn’t, and was not required to, buy two seats.

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