Ball peen...
I like a good conspiracy theory…
Sad, prayers for your cousin and familyHope everybody is doing well!
I just found out my 50 year old first cousin has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has 3 to 6 months to live so they say
My suggestion
live every day to the fullest and tell those that you love that you love them.
May God bless you all and your families
I did bars. Mom probably did it right with coins.Anything wrong with stacking bullion (i.e. Buffaloes) when first starting out?
Gold will be at $2500 by summer and over $3000 by fall.
I was hoping for blood splatter on the back wall.Ball peen...
I'll take this one counselor...
Reply - No shit - it's called competition whether it's tennis, Krav, or basketball I'm absolutely trying not just to "get" the other team, I'm out there to drive their ass into the ground. Otherwise WTF am I doing on the court or mat?
Reply - I do that in tennis, b-ball, and Krav all the time - and when appropriate talking trash. Have you ever watched a tennis match? I've seen tons of players clap their racket when their opponent hits a good shot. Pickelballers did NOT invent Sportsmanship. Far from it - At my club they have yelled at ladies playing tennis, have had a group of fat lady-pickleballers try to walk on the court before it was their time and interrupt a matchplay game of the Boys USTA State Champs I sponsor. They leave their "baby" nets on the tennis courts when finished making the people playing tennis move them.
Reply - It doesn't - enough said.
Reply - if you can learn something in a few hours it's a game and not a sport.
Reply - that's why out of shape, non-athletic, obnoxious drunk people like it.
Reply - living in an area of town without athletes proves nothing.
Reply - correct - it's called "singles" and when there are 4 on the court it's called "doubles" that's the number allowed to participate. Just like there are 11 on offense and defense in football. That's like saying a football field is so big there should be 50 players on each side.
Reply - do some research! U.S. tennis participation grew by 1 million players in 2022 with more than 23.6 million playing the sport–the third consecutive year that the sport has seen an increase. This number, when added to the previous two years, represents an increase of 5.9 million, or 33 percent, since the start of 2020.
Tennis is the 4th most popular sport in the world with approximately 1 billion fans.
This statistic is a testament to the immense popularity of tennis, with an estimated 1 billion fans worldwide. It speaks to the global reach of the sport, and its ability to capture the attention of people from all walks of life. This statistic is a powerful reminder of the impact tennis has had on the world, and its ability to bring people together.
The International Tennis Federation (ITF) currently has 210 member nations.
This statistic is a testament to the global reach of tennis. It shows that the sport is enjoyed by people from all corners of the world, with 210 nations having joined the ITF. This is a clear indication of the immense popularity of tennis and its ability to bring people together.
In Summary here is what I sent to our club director concerning the "aptly-named" Pickle-Ball:
During this renovation Pickle Ball needs to have their own courts built. There is room to do so in the grass area next to Court 9.
Though Pickle Ball and Tennis are both racquet sports they are totally different socially speaking.
Tennis is a sport of concentration, patience, and respectful quietness. On the other hand, Pickle Ball is more of a game the loud fun side. These two cultures clash, and as a tennis player, having to play next to people playing pickle ball is annoying & distracting to say the least. It would be akin to me taking batting practice next to a putting green - you swing a bat and a club though uniquely opposite in the nature of the game.
Here is the issue tennis players have with Pickle-Ballers - build your own courts, country clubs, if you love it so much - just stay off the tennis courts they are for tennis. Could you imagine setting up Putt-Putt courses on full-sized golf courses - you'd get the same type of blow-back.
Not a personal attack on you rather a rebuttal for your not so well thought out post.
Why make an argument to try and interrupt someone's sport for your game on their court?
For those that don’t remember she will do what she’s told.This guy has a theory that Susan Rice is the “FBI whistleblower”
In the game of test-match cricket, a game that can last three days at peak professional level, you have to ‘get out‘ to ‘get in‘. You have to ‘get out‘ of the clubhouse in order to ‘get in‘ to the game. The same is true for this story about Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice, leaving the Biden administration. Rice has to get out of the administration in order to get in to the 2024 game.
Readers here will likely remember all previous discussions about the likely Democrat field for 2024. Susan Rice and Gavin Newsom are both key players in the DNC big club game. There is only one question at the core of the dynamic you need to ask, how will they off-ramp Joe Biden?
First, the White House announcement: […] “As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history. But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility, and humor with which she does this work. I thank Susan for her service, her counsel, and her friendship. I will miss her.” (link)
Susan Rice is the pliable foot soldier, the protege’ of the Lightbringer, Chicago Jesus. Rice is the female version of the entire apparatus of the Obama team. Susan Rice is Barack Obama in female form, and as Ric Grenell said eloquently, Susan Rice is “the shadow president.”
A Newsom/Rice or Rice/Newsom ticket is a no-brainer. Both are foot soldiers for the Lightbringer movement’s fundamental change agenda, although Rice is the apex player and Newsom is the ideological, intellectual and cognitive equivalent of John Fetterman with better style. Most people still do not understand that Barack Obama is not just a person, he is a complete political construct -a movement in a box- consisting of multiple component groups all working in synergy.
The focus of the Obama movement is domestic and ideological. The “fundamental change“, as outlined previously by the frontman for the group, is domestic – exclusively domestic. The Lightbringer doesn’t care about foreign policy stuff; all of that angle is sold to the multinationals and highest bidders.
Foreign policy is not a thing for Teh One true bringer of enlightenment; their focus is USA domestically centered. In her capacity as Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice was the guiding hand behind every element of Biden's domestic policy.
The microphone from the Obama basement does not transmit into the earpiece of Biden; it communicates into the two-way radio of Rice.
If Susan Rice is departing, the question becomes how the club removes Biden from the 2024 race. There is a multitude of approaches and leverages available for the Lightbringer’s team, which includes Deputy AG Lisa Monaco at Main Justice.
The criminal activity of Hunter Biden, and the potential for outcomes – or lack therein, can be leveraged. The direct connection to the action of the principal, “the big guy” Joe Biden, could be leveraged.
The Biden administration’s interference in any number of related investigations can be leveraged, and… keep in mind…. it is not coincidental the evidence of the interference is manifest by the same team that would remove the principal. Yeah, think about that for a moment.
Put aside the 2024 contest participants for a moment (ie. the shiny things), and instead focus on what peripheral risks exist to Joe Biden that could be deployed at any moment to push him to a graceful off-ramp.
There are many club-installed insurance policies, and political landmines all around Joe Biden. Which one will they show him? LINK
This guy has a theory that Susan Rice is the “FBI whistleblower”
In the game of test-match cricket, a game that can last three days at peak professional level, you have to ‘get out‘ to ‘get in‘. You have to ‘get out‘ of the clubhouse in order to ‘get in‘ to the game. The same is true for this story about Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice, leaving the Biden administration. Rice has to get out of the administration in order to get in to the 2024 game.
Readers here will likely remember all previous discussions about the likely Democrat field for 2024. Susan Rice and Gavin Newsom are both key players in the DNC big club game. There is only one question at the core of the dynamic you need to ask, how will they off-ramp Joe Biden?
First, the White House announcement: […] “As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history. But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility, and humor with which she does this work. I thank Susan for her service, her counsel, and her friendship. I will miss her.” (link)
Susan Rice is the pliable foot soldier, the protege’ of the Lightbringer, Chicago Jesus. Rice is the female version of the entire apparatus of the Obama team. Susan Rice is Barack Obama in female form, and as Ric Grenell said eloquently, Susan Rice is “the shadow president.”
A Newsom/Rice or Rice/Newsom ticket is a no-brainer. Both are foot soldiers for the Lightbringer movement’s fundamental change agenda, although Rice is the apex player and Newsom is the ideological, intellectual and cognitive equivalent of John Fetterman with better style. Most people still do not understand that Barack Obama is not just a person, he is a complete political construct -a movement in a box- consisting of multiple component groups all working in synergy.
The focus of the Obama movement is domestic and ideological. The “fundamental change“, as outlined previously by the frontman for the group, is domestic – exclusively domestic. The Lightbringer doesn’t care about foreign policy stuff; all of that angle is sold to the multinationals and highest bidders.
Foreign policy is not a thing for Teh One true bringer of enlightenment; their focus is USA domestically centered. In her capacity as Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan Rice was the guiding hand behind every element of Biden's domestic policy.
The microphone from the Obama basement does not transmit into the earpiece of Biden; it communicates into the two-way radio of Rice.
If Susan Rice is departing, the question becomes how the club removes Biden from the 2024 race. There is a multitude of approaches and leverages available for the Lightbringer’s team, which includes Deputy AG Lisa Monaco at Main Justice.
The criminal activity of Hunter Biden, and the potential for outcomes – or lack therein, can be leveraged. The direct connection to the action of the principal, “the big guy” Joe Biden, could be leveraged.
The Biden administration’s interference in any number of related investigations can be leveraged, and… keep in mind…. it is not coincidental the evidence of the interference is manifest by the same team that would remove the principal. Yeah, think about that for a moment.
Put aside the 2024 contest participants for a moment (ie. the shiny things), and instead focus on what peripheral risks exist to Joe Biden that could be deployed at any moment to push him to a graceful off-ramp.
There are many club-installed insurance policies, and political landmines all around Joe Biden. Which one will they show him? LINK
Sorry Dawg88.Hope everybody is doing well!
I just found out my 50 year old first cousin has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has 3 to 6 months to live so they say
My suggestion
live every day to the fullest and tell those that you love that you love them.
May God bless you all and your families
SEAL Who Killed Bin Laden Blasts Navy For Drag Queen Gimmick
Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill, who was on the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, is blasting the Navy for using a drag queen to recruit new
Hope everybody is doing well!
I just found out my 50 year old first cousin has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has 3 to 6 months to live so they say
My suggestion
live every day to the fullest and tell those that you love that you love them.
May God bless you all and your families
Today I heard on the radio that the Maryland Gov just signed a law to expand the coverage of transitioning to include voice softening and hair treatments.I have heard stories of trannies signing up for the military just to pay for their surgeries. They can sign on for a 4 year enlistment and once they get their first year out of the way they start transitioning which makes them medically unfit for duty for the rest of their service. It's a great deal for America.
Hair???Today I heard on the radio that the Maryland Gov just signed a law to expand the coverage of transitioning to include voice softening and hair treatments.
Never thought in my wildest thoughts this insane shit could be happening in our beloved country.
The shining city on the hill is getting its ass kicked by the radical Marxists that identify as Democrats.
It is.. look at it closely, the reply has the wrong number. I also posted a link on this earlier.I would think this post should be easily verifable but this could be BS unless someone actually produces a link
Oh my goodness.Hope everybody is doing well!
I just found out my 50 year old first cousin has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has 3 to 6 months to live so they say
My suggestion
live every day to the fullest and tell those that you love that you love them.
May God bless you all and your families
No, cannot feel the tampon. He's getting off on that. Which is, frankly, disgusting. It's a fetish. You just watched that shit.
I would think this post should be easily verifable but this could be BS unless someone actually produces a link
I saw the other day that some boys/men were getting Ketchup packs from fast food places freezing them then cutting a slit in them and putting them into their underwear. When they start to thaw and run they declare that they are on their period.No, cannot feel the tampon. He's getting off on that. Which is, frankly, disgusting. It's a fetish. You just watched that shit.
We women find nothing sexy or exciting about anything to do with needing/using tampons. And fucking coconut oil NEVER comes into play. Da fuck???