Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
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Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
Texas has constitutional carry so a CCP is not needed. That said, I told a policeman 20 years ago that I didn't care what the law said, if I felt I needed to carry I would. He said he didn't blame me.
Hope everybody is doing well!

I just found out my 50 year old first cousin has terminal pancreatic cancer. He has 3 to 6 months to live so they say
My suggestion
live every day to the fullest and tell those that you love that you love them.

May God bless you all and your families
I just lost my best friend to the same last week. Red-pilled, but took the jab at the insistence of his ocd RN daughter because his wife is immunocompromised. 😣
Having services this evening.
Will it stay at or above these levels though? That's the big question with the precious metals. It seems like it should with the devaluation of the dollar, but it just depends how it all plays out
My biggest worry (short term) as a collector/stacker is the amount of people who've gotten into it over the last few years and the amounts that have been purchased & continue to be purchased. A ton of purchases with extremely high premiums. The economy goes to shit ala 07-12 or worse & a lot of people are going to sell in a short period to raise cash causing dips (which is okay if you're not forced to sell) (actually good if you're still able to buy). Just keep in mind the dollar won't truly fall until after we have an economic fall. That will cause more government/fed intervention/injections & a lowering of rates which increases dollars in circulation.

Actually counter intuitive that gold keeps rising in the face of rates being raised. Raised rates & contracting monetary supply should bolster the dollar v gold. But it's not.
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Where is 10z bar of silver at. Where do you look up prices?
A little over or right at $300 on SD bullion or JM bullion right now. That's about 15%-20% above spot.

It's odd right now silver rounds are selling right at $30-$32 but so are some sovereign coins Britannia's/Maple Leafs/Kruggerands. Fricking American Eagles are over $40. Absurd.

Right now those soveriegns (except the American Eagles) are actually the best buy. They are usually well above the bars/rounds.

You'll pay above spot no matter what you do.
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My money is on angry tennis players who damaged the nets.

If anything, Pickleball players are open and inviting. That's why the sport has grown so fast in the last few years. It's been around since 1965!

Name me one sport that the opposition complements you on a 'good shot'... All other adversarial sports are out to 'get' the other team. Even in tennis! Sure they're all pals after the game, but during the game they're out to win it. Pickleball is different. Sure, winning is ideal, but having fun is the goal.

The 'problem' with tennis players is they think their shit don't stink! Tennis is a high brow hoity toity English sport that has spread about the world. Pickleball is the new kid on the block that's taken over precisely because you don't have to spend 20 years of your life mastering it. Anyone can successfully learn the sport in a few hours.

It's akin to ping pong (table tennis) and instead of standing next to a table, you stand on the court. You have a paddle and a wiffle ball with 2 to 4 people on the court. Same as tennis.

The rules are similar, sort of. The difference is that you can put 4 pickleball courts on one tennis court. Those who play tennis, as well as racketball & squash tend to have better skills than most (any wonder?).

There are 5 tennis courts near me and they're rarely used. There also are 4 pickleball courts (same space as 1 tennis court) that are continually in use. With 5 tennis courts you can service 10 to 20 people. At any given time 4 pickleball courts will have 8 to 16 people playing and 8 more waiting to play! 'Doubles' are more likely than 'singles', so 16 is closer than not. Tennis typically has 2 players on a court.

Pickleball is the 'new internet' whereas tennis is the want ads in the newspaper. They don't know it yet, (or maybe they do?) but tennis is going to be less popular in years to come.

Y'all should try it sometime!

I'll take this one counselor...

All other adversarial sports are out to 'get' the other team. Even in tennis!

Reply - No shit - it's called competition whether it's tennis, Krav, or basketball I'm absolutely trying not just to "get" the other team, I'm out there to drive their ass into the ground. Otherwise WTF am I doing on the court or mat?

Name me one sport that the opposition complements you on a 'good shot'.

Reply - I do that in tennis, b-ball, and Krav all the time - and when appropriate talking trash. Have you ever watched a tennis match? I've seen tons of players clap their racket when their opponent hits a good shot. Pickelballers did NOT invent Sportsmanship. Far from it - At my club they have yelled at ladies playing tennis, have had a group of fat lady-pickleballers try to walk on the court before it was their time and interrupt a matchplay game of the Boys USTA State Champs I sponsor. They leave their "baby" nets on the tennis courts when finished making the people playing tennis move them.

The 'problem' with tennis players is they think their shit don't stink!

Reply - It doesn't - enough said.

Anyone can successfully learn the sport (Pickelball) in a few hours.

Reply - if you can learn something in a few hours it's a game and not a sport.

you stand on the court.

Reply - that's why out of shape, non-athletic, obnoxious drunk people like it.

There are 5 tennis courts near me and they're rarely used.

Reply - living in an area of town without athletes proves nothing.

Tennis typically has 2 players on a court.

Reply - correct - it's called "singles" and when there are 4 on the court it's called "doubles" that's the number allowed to participate. Just like there are 11 on offense and defense in football. That's like saying a football field is so big there should be 50 players on each side.

They don't know it yet, (or maybe they do?) but tennis is going to be less popular in years to come.

Reply - do some research! U.S. tennis participation grew by 1 million players in 2022 with more than 23.6 million playing the sport–the third consecutive year that the sport has seen an increase. This number, when added to the previous two years, represents an increase of 5.9 million, or 33 percent, since the start of 2020.

Tennis is the 4th most popular sport in the world with approximately 1 billion fans.

This statistic is a testament to the immense popularity of tennis, with an estimated 1 billion fans worldwide. It speaks to the global reach of the sport, and its ability to capture the attention of people from all walks of life. This statistic is a powerful reminder of the impact tennis has had on the world, and its ability to bring people together.

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) currently has 210 member nations.
This statistic is a testament to the global reach of tennis. It shows that the sport is enjoyed by people from all corners of the world, with 210 nations having joined the ITF. This is a clear indication of the immense popularity of tennis and its ability to bring people together.

In Summary here is what I sent to our club director concerning the "aptly-named" Pickle-Ball:

During this renovation Pickle Ball needs to have their own courts built. There is room to do so in the grass area next to Court 9.

Though Pickle Ball and Tennis are both racquet sports they are totally different socially speaking.

Tennis is a sport of concentration, patience, and respectful quietness. On the other hand, Pickle Ball is more of a game the loud fun side. These two cultures clash, and as a tennis player, having to play next to people playing pickle ball is annoying & distracting to say the least. It would be akin to me taking batting practice next to a putting green - you swing a bat and a club though uniquely opposite in the nature of the game.

Here is the issue tennis players have with Pickle-Ballers - build your own courts, country clubs, if you love it so much - just stay off the tennis courts they are for tennis. Could you imagine setting up Putt-Putt courses on full-sized golf courses - you'd get the same type of blow-back.

Not a personal attack on you rather a rebuttal for your not so well thought out post.

Why make an argument to try and interrupt someone's sport for your game on their court?

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Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
My daughter lives in Austin and she is beginning the process of buying a gun at my urging. My son is a senior is college and will do the same shortly.
I really hope Desantis is nowhere near the white house. Just has the Pence feel to it. (at the time he chose Pence I did not have much of an idea how establishment he actually was) Pretty sure, like last election, Trump is ahead by a lot. He doesn't need the Desantis rinos honestly. That is if there are elections that are not fraud ridden. JMO.
Jesus Christ OnlyTrump cultists are unfuckingbelievable.
A little over or right at $300 on SD bullion or JM bullion right now. That's about 15%-20% above spot.

It's odd right now silver rounds are selling right at $30-$32 but so are some sovereign coins Britannia's/Maple Leafs/Kruggerands. Fricking American Eagles are over $40. Absurd.

Right now those soveriegns (except the American Eagles) are actually the best buy. They are usually well above the bars/rounds.

You'll pay above spot no matter what you do.
Anything wrong with stacking bullion (i.e. Buffaloes) when first starting out?

Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
See that Sen Warnock already politicized thus blaming gun lobbyists?
Need to blame someone since the perp doesn’t fit the narrative.

Texas has constitutional carry so a CCP is not needed. That said, I told a policeman 20 years ago that I didn't care what the law said, if I felt I needed to carry I would. He said he didn't blame me.
I thought GA also got rid of CCW. I probably should know since I live here.
Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
My 25 year old son just got his.

He lives in the city. I gave him my Glock 43. I carry an R7 Mako.
Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.
Four kids in Texas. One more will when he turns 21 in September.

In .45 ACP of course.

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