Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Heard on the radio that the DC police dept is collapsing. They can't hire officers and there are 30 to 40 leaving every month all while crime is up 25%.
Probably more if they were truthful about it.
The question is will the pain of this reach a level for residents to vote out the Dems who have allowed this to happen?
It did in NY when Rudy was elected twice followed by Bloomberg.
DC will never change. Practically everyone there is a criminal in some fashion. All of those people live off government corruption. They need dirty people all across town to cover for them. There is no way out at this point.
DC will never change. Practically everyone there is a criminal in some fashion. All of those people live off government corruption. They need dirty people all across town to cover for them. There is no way out at this point.
Oh but there is

Why don't we enforce the laws currently on the books, especially theft and violence related offenses? Increase foot patrols in areas that have heavy crime? Tighten up bail rules or enforce those? Quit letting repeat offenders out of jail? I don't think it is really that hard. It just isn't something that powers that be, want.
Because the Circuit Attorney is Soros backed
There are a few "country acts" that I can listen to now, but country music seems to have lost its roots a bit. I know everything evolves, but what we here now is not really country at its core. I blame Taylor Swift.

70s and 80s country was different but they had some songs that have stood the test of time.

These wannabes nowadays will be lucky if anyone remembers them in ten years.

Dear Tucker,

I’ll get right to the point.

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Patrick Bet-David

Getting rid of leaf blowers wouldn't upset me. I hate those fucking things. We had brooms, dustpans and leaf bags when I was growing up. You know, actual manual labor that left a pristine yard and surrounding area.

All the leaf blowers do is create a deafening roar of noise and push the leaves into the next yard or the street rather than actually clean them up. And when I'm on a walk, run or bike ride, they emit fumes that will choke you out if you aren't careful in your approach or exit path. In my neighborhood they get cranked up about 8am and don't stop until 6pm. Everyday. Fuck 'em.
I noticed yesterday at the Dallas VA Hospital about 1/2 the employees and patients were not wearing masks or wearing them under their chins. Nobody said anything to anyone about it even though there were posters about masks being required everywhere. Everyone is tired of this bullshit.

Just because they put a sign up doesn’t mean anything. Some business do it for insurance purposes

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