Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Having had no solid food for three days, this looks great. Damn stomach bug
fvck these people

^^as we know^^

"In the time after the Cold War, the world benefited from a remarkably favourable geopolitical environment. Under the hegemonic leadership of the US, rules-based international institutions flourished, and global trade expanded. This led to a deepening of global value chains and, as China joined the world economy, a massive increase in the global labour supply. As a result, global supply became more elastic to changes in domestic demand, leading to a long period of relatively low and stable inflation. That in turn underpinned a policy framework in which independent central banks could focus on stabilising inflation by steering demand without having to pay too much attention to supply-side disruptions. But that period of relative stability may now be giving way to one of lasting instability resulting in lower growth, higher costs and more uncertain trade partnerships. Instead of more elastic global supply, we could face the risk of repeated supply shocks"

Thanks Brandon
^^someone doing work in Columbia :rolleyes:


^^already did it with many schools around me, fvck them injuns, who needs them^^

Dollywood is only about 2 hrs from me so we choose that instead of Disney. Dolly P is a saint an it’s more of my kind of people up there.

While I can appreciate the sentiment Dolly promotes troons, is a gun grabber and I highly suspect she handled more than a few cocks to make it to where she is.

Plus she hangs out with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin
fvck these people

If 7 year olds can make medical decisions then why does a parent have to sign off on any surgery or shot or medicine?

These idiots are demonic.
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WTF did I just read?

Also naked lady. But WTF did I just read?

While smoking hot, this woman is completely empty between the ears and will say and do anything to remain relevant to keep paychecks rolling in. Her youth is fading so eventually will her looks so she knows she is fucked as she is dumb as shit. Making it now while she can.
He's a Trump plant, imbedded to outflank primary challengers on the right.

He goes after everyone, but never directly Trump. And since Trump "supporters" dare not question the numerous failures of his 1st term, Swami can dance around issues like the ATF, and Trumpers will never question why Trump didn''t get rid of the ATF (or anything else), or wonder why it was Trump who did things like banning bump stocks.
You’re a Biden plant.

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