I'm prepping my small brokerage to begin working the HUD sites for investors when the burst comes. It's how we survived 08-14.
The funny thing about the local RE markets here right now is the continued lack of inventory, which is very different from the pre 08-14 cycle. Then we had tons of inventory going for high prices, now we have limited inventory going for high prices. Local developers are still building housing, but most build on a pre-sold contract or specs are built a handful at a time. That previous cycle they would build out entire subdivisions nearly all spec. Other factors right now, people don't want to sell a home financed at 3% to buy at 6-7% unless they have to, also we continue to see out of state buyers fleeing into small town/rural areas.
Just random thoughts
Opening up in Frisco. One of my best friends lives there. I give him shit, cause it’s a bunch of white liberal sawker lovers. Disney will fit right in.
NRH is getting a Peppa Pig Park… show has a lesbo.
My granddaughter will be going to Silver Dollar City in Branson. It is owned by Christians and the park plays Christian Music.
Ran into a very similar situation while in Baltimore for the Orioles/Yankees series. Went to dinner after the game in inner harbor, no more than.5 mile from our hotel. After dinner there were hundreds of teenage kids fighting and all in the streets. Was unfortunately between our hotel and where we went to dinner. Navigated around the event and got back to the hotel just fine. Later found out a 14 and 16 year old were shot not minutes after we were in the area. Very scary situation.So if I understand correctly, that was a white women that those mostly peaceful protesters were savagely beating? If so, that really elicits some thoughts in my head. I cannot/will not verbalize them or write them, but rest assured, they would ”address” the problem of this type of incident in a significant way.
The current administration can't even perform he basic functions of government.
U.S. passport delays may be four months long — and could get worse. Here's what to know
There's been a surge in travel abroad, and the demand for U.S. passports is creating a backlog of applications.www.cnbc.com
My kids are 27, 24, 20 and 18. To this day, any social media app they're on, they add me. Not because I track them. I don't. I've never turned on location and I made them turn it off when they did so friends could see where they are at all times. Just no. They were raised to be honest about where they were, who they were with and to check in when they got to where they were going and any change in plans was subject to my approval. If they 'forgot', they got to spend quality time with mommy for a while. Didn't take long to get that lesson learned. (I'm also the parent who never set a curfew for the same reasons and with the same rules) I just made it a rule when they were younger that if they wanted to be on SM, I had to be able to see what they were seeing and posting. They never found it wierd and most of their friends (even now) add me. And yes, my kids are fully aware I post about them here. I give them the same respect and honesty they give me.This. I have a 13 and 16 year old. In my opinion it’s better to talk to them about these things. Banning them from these platforms will not stop them from seeing this stuff.
Are you wanting to fight? Cause I’ll pinch you so hard!!!!
What is your preferred form; standard bars/rounds, bullion, constitutional, or a mix of all?
School choice is taking over America. Get your kids out of these woke shithole public schools.
Even Potatus managed to mangle a few words and phrases to make it not quite so obvious.A graduate of the Biden School of Plagiarism.
It’s a great place to take kids.Dollywood is only about 2 hrs from me so we choose that instead of Disney. Dolly P is a saint an it’s more of my kind of people up there.
May be people leaving. The # of Americans seeking citizenship in other countries increased in '21 and '22... haven't seen if its still going up but tons of Americans are leaving for safer places. Hell, tons of Californians were working from freaking mexico during the covid sham.The current administration can't even perform he basic functions of government.
U.S. passport delays may be four months long — and could get worse. Here's what to know
There's been a surge in travel abroad, and the demand for U.S. passports is creating a backlog of applications.www.cnbc.com
I need to apply for my 4th soon. My first three took less than a month. FJBTook 6 months in 2021 to get my daughters, literally came in the afternoon before we flew to Greece for a week.
Intolerant regressivism.How’s this for a short definition of woke - intolerant progressivism.
And if you want to describe progressivism, i would say it’s a philosophy that promotes centralized government control to address racial, social or economic inequality (actual or perceived).
I shoot a Predator Sneaky Pete with a carbon shaft -
His ukraine position is what worries meHe's a good one for sure
I feel the same way, but my story was with guns............when the kids were young I made sure they were unloaded ( the guns) made sure they were inoperable in some way..........then let the kids handle them, showed them how they worked and so on.............taking the mystique out of the equation.My kids are 27, 24, 20 and 18. To this day, any social media app they're on, they add me. Not because I track them. I don't. I've never turned on location and I made them turn it off when they did so friends could see where they are at all times. Just no. They were raised to be honest about where they were, who they were with and to check in when they got to where they were going and any change in plans was subject to my approval. If they 'forgot', they got to spend quality time with mommy for a while. Didn't take long to get that lesson learned. (I'm also the parent who never set a curfew for the same reasons and with the same rules) I just made it a rule when they were younger that if they wanted to be on SM, I had to be able to see what they were seeing and posting. They never found it wierd and most of their friends (even now) add me. And yes, my kids are fully aware I post about them here. I give them the same respect and honesty they give me.
Max has never had a sip of alcohol. Not because I care, but because he's going to win a $1500 bet with me. His 2nd oldest sister (that would be Riley) had a blow out party when she graduated high school. She earned that party. Have at it, Roo. Admittedly, it was a bit more than what we expected and Max wasn't supposed to be home. Max was furious his sister was drinking and partying (he was 11). He was still pissed the next morning and after he informed me that beer was horrible for wood floors, I told him I would remind him off this little snit in a few years. He said 'I'll never drink before I get out of high school'. I laughed and said I'll bet you $500. Little Max glared at me and took the bet. (He conveniently remembered it as $5000...we negotiated to $1500). No lie. He's holding out. And I know he hasn't because his asshat friends would slip and rat him out. He went to a frat party with his future teammates/brorhers and flat out told them why he wasn't drinking. Whole story. And, funny, everybody thought it was pretty cool. Hilarious, but cool. Nobody gave him shit (again because it's probably the funniest reason to not drink) He's proud of keeping his word and to his convictions.
My husband and dad will be handing him his first beer while I give him $1500 at the first and only party he'll throw...the graduation after party. Which will be after the actual graduation. Don't need a class full of seniors rolling in drunk and hung to graduation.
Yes. I'm that mom that let's her kids drink underage (hence none of them really care about going out to get wasted) . I'm also that mom that taught them there's no reason to hide anything from me (I've done things they hadn't thought about yet) and responsibility. That hangover sucks, Punkin? Get up. We're going shopping for me. I'll get you a greasy egg mcmuffin and a coke. It's going to be a great day!!!
I get that not everybody parents the same and that we all have different views. Where everybody should be the same is making sure your children know that there is nothing they should hide from you and you making sure there's never a reason they feel they should. And they should know your hard limits while you let the little annoying things go (BTW, stomping away in a snit, I never let go. Made them walk back downstairs and walk back up quietly. They still bitch/laugh at me about that. But it was about teaching them about being respectful and to keep their cool under pressure even when calling me every name under their breath angry) so your not living 6 years in a war zone known as your family home.
Easier said than done. I know. We were never, are not and never will be perfect. Far from it. We're messy. Loud especially when we're 'silent' and usually laughing 30 minutes after we yell at each other because we know how ridiculous we are (Witness the missing wooden spoons saga).
But damn if we haven't raised/been blessed with some pretty great humans.
Doing a tour of Kennedy Space Center is pretty badass. Lots of history and information.Anybody live near Orlando? Is there anything cool to see excluding Disney/Universal stuff? I have a day to waste there this weekend.
Best of luck to you. My boys are 13, 11 and 9 and my daughter is 7. Going to be interesting around here for the next decade.You are correct. I have a 7 and 8 year old girls and a son who will be 3 in September.
I get how being a teenager is as I was one not to terribly long ago. They are all the same for the most part. Hopefully by the time my girls are that age things will be better, although I fully expect it to be worse.
School choice is taking over America. Get your kids out of these woke shithole public schools.