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This was my old cattle dog Rolly. We just shifted 150 cows and calves to fresh pasture and he had a swim in the dugout. Australian Red Heeler part Dingo. He would try and heel my old farm truck. He ruined 3 good front driver side tires trying to make me go where he wanted. He always ran beside me, and would run in and nip the sidewall. I finally had to always carry my fencing hammer and threaten him.
I loved that dog.
One day a big wheel rancher was in my corral. I was trying to load a 2000 Lb bull who refused to go on the triple decker cattle liner. Me and the trucker each had hot shot on is ass, and he just stood there and grunted. Soaking it up.
I sicced Rolly on him.
When Rolly ran in under his balls to get him moving, that bull loaded so fast I thought, he would tear the end out of the possum belly triple.
Then Rolly came over and laid in the shade.
The big wheel rancher pulled out 2,000 cash right there and tried to buy Rolly.
There wasn't enough money in the USA to buy him. Told the man I don't sell my friends sorry.