Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
5% GDP growth. Unshackle the US economy and many of our countries problems go away.

I’m balls deep into my 3rd glass of wine 🍷 on another beautiful night with an 0700 tennis lesson, and you want me to do some “deep ciphering”?

I don’t even think I could solve that equation sober with an HP 10B

I’ll go with “Occam’s Razor” and say “no”

Did I win the prize 🏆?
Look, Whorn, I like you. But telling us you soak your balls in a glass of wine and then drink it isn’t really something endearing to those of us that love women… and can actually get one without money involved.

You know what, the same people who are supposedly saying they didn't approve of it are the same people who hired the people who put a transvestite on their beer cans. I do not accept the passing of the buck here....after the fact. They could have stopped it from becoming known and they could have hired someone based on their work performance and not making it a woke hire. I do not drink bud products as they are not to my liking but this solidifies me never using their products ever again. No matter how much they try and do damage control. Simply apologizing for their shortsightedness could have alleviated that, but they chose to go the defensive route instead.
You know what, the same people who are supposedly saying they didn't approve of it are the same people who hired the people who put a transvestite on their beer cans. I do not accept the passing of the buck here....after the fact. They could have stopped it from becoming known and they could have hired someone based on their work performance and not making it a woke hire. I do not drink bud products as they are not to my liking but this solidifies me never using their products ever again. No matter how much they try and do damage control. Simply apologizing for their shortsightedness could have alleviated that, but they chose to go the defensive route instead.

Even if the buck could be passed, they've had every opportunity to head this off at the pass. The board could've released a statement a week ago saying this doesn't represent their values. They hoped the storm would pass and they could get by with doing nothing.


:oops: :oops:


Sheeeit they have trannies competing against women in the fucking UFC? Dude with a voice lower than mine fractures a lady’s skull in a UFC fight, where the hell is the outrage? This trannie bullshit is out of control. So infuriating.
Is there a point to this? I see more horseshit propaganda. Where is this narrative of "jewish hate" coming from and why? Hell, the left in congress are the ones spewing the most hate out of anybody.
of course not. I just think it's funny how serious of an ad it is. Apparently " Hitler was right" was posted on the internet 70,000 times last year. How they figured that number idk ha


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