Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Time to get your head in the game. This shit is real, not some computer algorithm. What say you?
Good question. Do I need to reiterate everything I have posted for 5 1/2 years? People get pissed when I re-post things saying it will never happen, and hate when I preach patience because it will never happen. But the patience is nearing an end. We are almost there. But if I need to keep up the repetition to keep people focused, I guess I can.
The US Gov't will bail them out. That's been the plan all along. It's also a way to spread this nationwide without having a vote in Congress. Those in other states won't stand for not being included in the giveaway.

Yeah, except that's totally infeasible. A bailout of that size, especially as it spreads to other states, would be an impossibility. It would bring everything to the ground, which is what they want anyway. When it comes to reparations, they're just trying to stoke racial animosity. And it will work.
Interview with retired 30 year CIA man Larry Johnson.

That was good. The thing is... its apparent they are doing this to hurt us. We are not going to be the worlds superpower when Biden leaves office. The dollar won't be the worlds reserve currency. Nato and Eu won't be the most powerful trade/military alliance in the world... Its fucking sad and people act like its not happening.

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