I absolutely do! Referenced it in this thread at one point.Brutal Murdering Scum. Remember Necklacing?
Saw an article today on the volume of Derivatives held by major banks. Shocking JP Morgan which everyone thinks is rock solid, holds more in derivatives than the whole US National Debt all in, Like 70 Trillion. The total held by US banks is 277 Trillion.The entire economy is collapsing right now. Banking system on fire, commercial real estate is falling, and several countries are actively leaving the petrodollar. Slash spending in DC right now or it's over.
So I know cycles, ebbs and flows. But I grew up on the beach where we could fit 4 volleyball courts from our house across the beach. Now normal high tides are touching the backyard. I've come a long way to changing my views on "global warming". But have to ask - is the issue that throwing money at it won't solve anything and the earth will continue to do what it does? Or are we denying rising sea levels?
Because they are mentally ill.What more reason do we need to prove that transgenderism is still a mental illness?
Why do the crazy people insist they're not mentally insane??
What is the timeline we are talking about here? Location? How many hurricanes/tropical storms have passed through this area during this timeline?
Medical Experts creating Ticking Time Bomb Frankenstein's.
Sometimes it’s really fun to have to catch up!I picked them to win it all in both brackets.
They will run train on Miami.
2022. Suck it, both of you.2005 is more recent that 2000
What else you got?
Well of course they’re ‘the’ most dangerous single demographic walking among us. The reason they’re the most dangerous is that they are protected by the feds.As a percentage of the population that makes them the most dangerous group.