Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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How did that Asian dude get in there?
This bill establishes various rights of parents and guardians regarding the elementary or secondary school education of their children. Local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools must comply with the requirements of the bill in order to receive federal education funds.

Specifically, the bill requires schools to notify parents and guardians of their rights regarding the education of their children. These rights include the right to

  • review the curriculum of their child's school;
  • meet with each teacher of their child at least twice each school year;
  • review the budget, including all revenues and expenditures, of their child's school;
  • inspect the books and other reading materials in the library of their child's school;
  • address the school board of the LEA;
  • receive information about violent activity in their child's school; and
  • know if their child is not grade-level proficient in reading or language arts at the end of 3rd grade.
Each LEA must (1) post on a publicly accessible website (or otherwise widely disseminate to the public) the curriculum for each grade level, and (2) include detailed budget information in its annual report card.

The bill provides for additional family educational and privacy rights, including by prohibiting schools from selling student information for commercial or financial gain.

An elementary school or a school consisting of only grades 5-8 must obtain parental consent before (1) changing a minor child's gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name on school forms; or (2) allowing a child to change the child's sex-based accommodations.

Crazy that so many pubes voted no, but then again, I guess it's not.
We have all of this in Florida already thanks to BDR. The teachers unions are extremely mad they have to catalog their teaching materials and make them available to parents.

Funny thing is, my sixth grader brought home a sex Ed book from his private Lutheran school this week with a permit ion slip. It says real big on the permission slip that they will not be covering chapter 12 in school. So of course I flip to section (like I’m sure the 11-12 year olds did) - it covers things like masturbation, homosexuality, incest stuff like that. But they gave the kids the books and the permission slips at the same time. Anywho, I doubt this book would not be allowed in a public school in Florida.
Breed of peace strikes again. If you let your kids be around a pit bill, you're a lunatic. One second, playing with the girl, the next, trying to chew her face off.

Breed of peace strikes again. If you let your kids be around a pit bill, you're a lunatic. One second, playing with the girl, the next, trying to chew her face off.

I have hesitated to post this on the board because of how it affected me but it's been about a month so I will post it and hope it may help someone in the future.

One of my best friends and neighbor's DIL who lives over in GA is a house inspector. The city was looking to buy a house so they hired her company to do the inspection.
When she was walking up to the house the neighbor had a chained Pit Bull in the yard. The dog started to run at her and broke the chain she naively thought he was coming to jump up and get petted.
He viciously attacked her leg and she fell as his attack continued there were a couple of construction workers and a mail carrier came to help.
They beat the dog with pipe wrenches and anything they had and the mail carrier sprayed him with the repellent they carry. The dog would back off but then attack again but finally quit long enough for her to drag herself toward the house.
An ambulance took her to a hospital in Columbus and then she was med flighted to ATL. The doctors could not save her foot and removed it above the ankle. Later they had to remove more of her leg to above her calf muscle due to infection.
Just a regular day at her work and a Pit Bull changed her and her family's life forever.
Head on a swivel if you are near this breed of dog.

Sorry for the run-on story but these were people we hold dear.
I'm not against open carry. We have that in Texas. The most important legislation would be Constitutional Carry which Texas passed last session. That is still on track in Florida.

It seems like ego overrides sanity for the open carry people. Why would anyone let others know they are packing?
Exactly this. Constitutional carry should be the law of the land. Concealed carry (without a permit) should be the societal expectation, and is by far the most effective deterrent to violent crime.
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This is not true. Desantis did not "bend" for Disney. People read Trump sycophants' tweets and take them as gospel. Desantis took governance away from Disney and created his own board. What he didn't do was dissolve the special "district", because that would have left $700 million in Disney bond debt as the responsibility of the 2 counties where Disney lays, instead of remaining a liability of Disney.

He didn't exactly cave on open carry, the florida senate leadership opposed him on it. IMO, he should stick to his guns and veto whatever they send up, but it's not like he was the one who necessitated dropping the open carry amendment.

OTOH, Trump caved immediately on the issue after Las Vegas and issued an executive order to ban bumpstocks. Trump was best at exposing himself.

He banned bumpstocks to take away that strawman that they use to ban "assault" rifles, semi-autos, and higher capacity magazines. They use national outrage to encroach on rights. By banning them immediately, it allowed him the high ground on the issue without having to compromise on actual gun rights, and clearly place the focus on the modification and not the gun itself.
So, mentally ill means they want to win?

Damn. No wonder your football team sucks more dick than the UT grads living under the 6th street bridge!

I remember when Adrian Peterson went to ou to allegedly play for national championships because he thought he couldn’t at Texas and then VY won one at Texas and AD didn’t ever get to play for one. It’s been a long draught for the trailer park.

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