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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 9, 2020
Sorry. Very long. All I want to do is get my kid through another 2.5 months to graduate.

So, a few weeks ago I told y'all about my son having the assignment (for eng/lit) of the privilege walk and then the students having to email the teacher their thoughts. (That was the assignment) Max's email respectfully told her the assignment was worthless, divisive, racist bullshit.

So, since then, it's become obvious the 6 students who responded the same have been actively discriminated against. And I'm talking not allowed to turn in assignments/presentations and being given '0' for said assignments she's not allowing them to turn in. They're all white boys. (Her daughter is transitioning, for context) Kept my mouth shut while helping my son handle this for himself (with definite plans to really make my opinion clear in the not so distant future in a way that really can't be ignored. Scholarship money talks until bullshit is allowed to walk.)

And then...Max had a dentist appt last week. I was with him. (It's a consult to have his wisdom teeth removed). While sitting in the dentist office, his phone starts blowing up. Dude, where are you? A is telling everybody you're skipping and she knows when you're skipping because you show up in the afternoon so you can play AND she says you better have a note in hand or she's failing you. An entire class period of this crap.

Yeah. 1st. Max has never skipped. He doesn't have to. If he really isn't feeling it for whatever reason, I call him out. (It's been a whopping 2 whole days and one morning this year).2nd: I schedule his appts as close to lunch as possible (per his request) and it's always been known since elementary school. They get an hour for lunch, minimum missed class time. Perfect. 3rd: how fucking dare a teacher rant to the entire class FOR THE ENTIRE CLASS TIME, that she knows Max is skipping AND requiring a note (when it's already excused).

*Can't wait to see if she freaks out when Max misses 3 days immediately after Spring Break to go the Masters. She had no problem when his sisters did the same. I'll just tell her he was on a culturally significant field trip. He'll write up his paper on his experience and observations. 😂*

So, Max got his note and waited at her classroom for 30 minutes(same day) ...and she didn't show up to class. Hmm...(She's known for not showing up the past couple of years)

Meanwhile, I'm now beyond pissed and call the principal. It's rare I directly intervene. So when I do, they tend to pay very close attention. Everybody has to learn to deal with assholes in life. Might as well learn young, right? But blatantly unfair and discriminating and false accusations are something else. Nobody should tolerate that. And there's a long history of Max being targeted for certain agendas. Anyway... I refrained from calling his personal phone (all of our kids are close friends, which means we are 'friends'. I mean, if your kid has beer in my fridge and knows the code to get into the garage to get the beer...yeah. We're friends ) because I wanted this taken very seriously.

Let's just say the principal was less than thrilled with what I was telling him what was going on. He obviously followed through on 'taking care of this' because as of Monday, this teacher is back to the the person I've known for 12 years (she had my daughters in class over the years and they loved her) It might have also had something to do with Max handing her his note the next day in front of the entire class. She asked 'why are you giving me this? It should go to attendance.' He told her she's the one who demanded it, even though his absence was already excused. Apparently, she knew she went way beyond the line. According to Max and his friends, she went death pale and didn't say a single word the rest of class. 2 days later, her attitude had completely flipped. (Pretty sure she got the talking to the next morning ).

So that leads us to today. (This a a story about a good, thoughtful teacher) Max is taking comparative religions. Not an easy class. Not an easy class to teach. But it's a great course. I know his teacher (I've known her since she was 13 years old). Today, the speaker was a humanity unitarian pastor. Let's just say, when she explained they are all inclusive and even see the good in Hitler (I'm not kidding or making this up) it got a little tense in class...even more so since one of Max's crew is Jewish and sitting in said class. She then went on to say they accept and love everyone from gay to trand and everything in between. And that anybody who does not affirm is not welcome. So, a couple of kids were wearing her out and Max quietly raises his hand. She calls on him and he asks, 'so you accept everybody except those who disagree with you. Not exactly inclusive of all humanity is it?'. Dead silence. He then gets up and walks out of the class.

His teacher follows him out and is pissed. Just starts to lay into him. He stops her and asks if she would rather he sit there and be really 'disrespectful' (honest) to a woman who couldn't be respectful or honest and praised Hitler in front of his Jewish friend or would she rather he excuse himself from class after one question that shut her down? If she wanted him to go back in, he wouldn't hold back.

The teacher recognized where he was coming from. No problem. Apologized and excused him. And the legit nazi admirer who is the first to label my son and his friends as nazi will not be back. At least not for that particular lesson.
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Dec 9, 2020

Well...not Norfolk Southern wheels.

Seriously...this crap is beyond batshit. It's like these people watched Hunger Games (we know damn good and well they didn't read the books) and didn't make it past the radical body mods, the fabulous outfits /dresses, prefect makeup and pink hair to see the destructive and devestating reality.

May the odds be forever in your favor
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Nov 27, 2021

For the sake of saving the banking system, the Fed took an unprecedented step

In just 1 week, it "poured" about 300 billion dollars into the banking sector. And this is more than twice as much as when trying to save this very system in 2008:

The printing press is running. The Fed did not wait until March 22 and launched the money pump at full capacity.

The most powerful credit impulse in the history of the Fed - more than $ 300 billion per week was issued to banks under various loan programs through the Fed.

In just one week, we neutralized 60% of the balance reduction program, which lasts almost 9 months! The very program that was announced and implemented as the Fed's commitment to fighting inflation.

To gauge the scale of the monetary frenzy… This is an unprecedented volume, as during the COVID crisis, the maximum weekly injection on credit programs was a little more than 80 billion, and during the 2008 crisis, in the second week after the bankruptcy of Lehman, the Fed issued banks 146 billion.

This week, the Fed issued twice as much, which speaks volumes about the scale of the hole in the banking system.

After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008, the Fed gave banks more than $810 billion + $100 billion in repos over the course of nine weeks, and this is all the assistance that was received during the most acute phase of the crisis. In addition, over $500 billion was arranged through swap lines with foreign central banks to maintain dollar liquidity.

If we aggregate all categories of the Fed's balance sheet, then in 2008, in the first three months after the collapse of Lehman, the accumulated assistance in all directions amounted to about $ 1.3 trillion , later this volume was replaced by the QE program in 2009-2010 by a comparable amount, but at a much lower intensity.

The Covid crisis began to thrash with liquidity from the beginning of March, mainly through share buybacks. During the first three months of the COVID crisis, in the most acute phase, $2.8 trillion was hammered in, where securities plus $2.1 trillion, swap lines - $446 billion, loans to banks - $100 billion, loans to companies - $65 billion, bank REPO - $70 billion.

This time, 12 billion were issued under the new BTFP program, 147 billion through the discount window and another 143 billion in a "secret" loan in cooperation with the FDIC - in one week!

Tightening monetary policy? Commitment to fighting inflation? No, we haven't.

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Bama Fan In AR

Jan 8, 2021
Anyone have a back story to this?


Jan 9, 2021

Raper Raper 1 9, we gotta raper over here.

Rapers got a gay voice.

Don’t let him fool you, he’ll rape anything with a butthole.

I don’t see reconciliation with this lot of people. This pos doesn’t like who he is, so he has tried to change himself.

Except the lunatic is only a shell. He’s empty, just how Lucifer prefers them.

This empty soul is openly recruiting, and like any good predator, he pretends to fight for his victims as he devours them.

We don’t care if you’re a gay faggot. Just be a gay faggot that isn’t dressing up in your fetish clothing and trying to dance for children.

Do that shit at your local watering hole of choice, just not libraries, schools or anywhere else large quantities of families and children gather.

Sinners without the self awareness to know that they’re wrong, should be mocked and ridiculed to prevent them from recruiting our youth.


Jan 8, 2021

Tulsi, why didn't you speak out while you were a member of Congress? You faithfully went along with Pelosi and the rest.

All you assholes in Congress were too busy buying stock in the companies that made a fortune on Wuhan Charlie.

Hey Ucrain Yell-Leader aTm Style

Who is getting run thru the grinder?

Silly me. We were told this week that the Wagner PMC had suffered 100K dead and were wiped out. A miraculous resurrection.
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Jan 8, 2021

"We should all feel a civic responsibility to be vaccinated against egregiously awful and transmissible diseases for which we have relatively safe vaccines"

Wuhan Charlie didn't qualify for this. It's why the labs are busy creating more pathogenic viruses.

Edit: Notice his use of the words "relatively safe vaccines".
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Dec 1, 2020
Jesus the home board is ate up with pro Ukraine shit. They are sold on Ukraine killing 8 to 1 in the war. If they had the least little bit of math skills they would realize that means Russia has lost twice as many troops as they have had fight in Ukraine. It's truly stunning how these guys eat up propaganda and just run with it.
Always sure----always wrong----The American left


Dec 1, 2020
^^why is he still above room temperature^^



Dec 1, 2020
20 Years , Tens of Thousands of Dead and Wounded , Veterans Destroyed with PTSD , Suicides, $2 Trillion wasted … now this .. The ‘Forever War’ Crowd never brings Victory…only Excuses.



Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020


Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
With all this obsession with my PENIS, I think it may be time for you to change that avatar from a male lion to a lioness.

I did a quick search for some avatars that may suit you more appropriately.
Your way to into it. Fix your wife before she runs a stray any further.
You shared your business here pal. Im just pointing out the obvious. Nobody cares about your weenie, obviously.


Jan 8, 2021
We are finding out why Trump dad to be stopped from becoming president, and then when elected he had to be destroyed

It never had anything to do w politics ,. It always was about corruption
Which is exactly why they’re about to screw him again. My take is that they’re going to indict him leading up to the convention and then the corrupt RNC will use his indictment as cover to steal the nomination from him and usher in DeSantis - even though Trump will have clearly won. I really hope his team sees this plan and are preparing for this to happen.


Jan 8, 2021
We are finding out why Trump had to be stopped from becoming president, and then when elected he had to be destroyed

It never had anything to do w politics ,. It always was about corruption
And millions/billions of people still believe Ukraine was about stopping Russia and Putin. It was stopping Russia and Putin from exposing their corruption.

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