Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Notice nothing came out on the Awan House IT scandal and the Awan guy she was fucking. He took one for the Packies on that spy ops.
See-eye-aye, or FBI, everybody and everything that’s involved is crooked as hell, nothing is gonna come out, and I hate to say that, but I think that the state and swamp is way too deep. And the client list for Epstein island, nothing will be shown on that, everybody making every decision with what’s going on Right now, as leverage with who is on that list, no one will ever find out who they are.
Stanford won't do anything. Notice all the liberal women Deans they have? That may be the source of their problems.

Vinyls are the best. I've got about 500 albums and play them often.

He's worried about stanford law students getting the cold shoulder from federal judges.

If he doesn't fire the hag who took the mic, it's proof positive he's nothing more than hot air. I'd say there's not even 1 chance in a 100 that he's not a windbag.

Depends on how levered the different assets were.

It could be 1:5-1:10 in some asset classes. In others, it could be 1:20+ That ratio is going to determine how much the interest rate impacts the value of long-term securities being used to back deposits.

In an SV=based bank, the additional complexities of warrants, equity, etc..., which SVB used to help fund the entire startup & VC-backed ecosystem, it becomes even more complex.

What we are seeing here is nothing new, but ultimately boils down to trust. When the consumer trusts the system, it functions, to a point. When trust is lost, the entire system can come crashing down in hours. There is a reason Goodwill is a line item on the Balance Sheet. This isn't limited to banking/finance/VC/PE, but also extends into the healthcare system, education, etc... Pretty much most sectors of the global economy.

@MortgageHorn what is your take on the impact to a homeowner who is current on payments, locked in over the past 2 years at below 3% and the bank they have their mortgage with goes into receivership?

Not an attorney, though there should be no impact.

The borrower signed a note that was legally binding. Unless the note had language specifically addressing this issue and I don't think they have any language saying that then nothing should happen.

The note is legally binding instrument and the buyer of that note from the original bank or lending institution cannot modify or change the terms of the note.

Just like if the bank sells the servicing rights to your loan they cannot change the terms.
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SVB had 30 Trillion in Derivatives this is getting bigger than the FED can eat.
Question to the Bar Flies. Will the FED have to eat the 30 Trillion?

A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.

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