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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021


Jan 8, 2021



Dec 2, 2020

Robert W Malone, MD
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is a metaphor for the entire West Coast woke culture. They bought into White House propaganda, and now they are broke. Reality bites. "Silicon Valley Bank bought those treasuries while the White House was telling them that inflation was transitory. The Bank bought that hook, line & as of Friday, sinker!"
9:17 AM · Mar 12, 2023



Dec 1, 2020

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020

The World is About to Wake Up to The Fact EVERY Bank Did This

And Every Rise In Rates By the FED Erodes the Value of These 10 Treasuries

Right Now $1.0 Million Worth of 10 Year That Banks Bought When Rates Were Low Yielded .07%

Today That $1.0 Million is Worth Roughly $675,000

Another .500 Rate Hike It's Worth $600,000

So Now Banks That Did This and The List is Long Have Lost About 1/3rd of Their "Collateral" or Funds to Lend


1. That Is Why You Never "Chase Yield" When The Yield is That Fucking Low

2. Who In The World Locks Up Money for Ten Years Yielding Less Than 1% ???

3. The Only Way Banks Can Stay Solvent for Depositors is to Liquidate the Treasuries

4. That Creates a "Death Spiral" of Losses - Right Now $225,000 Loss on Every $1.0 Million Sold

5. Looks Like Everyone is "Waking Up To This" and There Could (Will) Be The Largest Bank Run in the History of the World


1. Fractional Banking Has Had the Curtain Lifted

2. Banks Are Essentially Broke

3. Jerome Powell and Janet "The Elf" Yellen Are Clueless

4. This Has The Potential to Be Worse Than 2008 Melt-Down

5. Biden's Economy - Cabal Wants CBDC - Fuck Them - Revolution on the Horizon

@Hoosier in Mad Town - Check My Numbers Should Be Close & Your Thoughts?

Depends on how levered the different assets were.

It could be 1:5-1:10 in some asset classes. In others, it could be 1:20+ That ratio is going to determine how much the interest rate impacts the value of long-term securities being used to back deposits.

In an SV=based bank, the additional complexities of warrants, equity, etc..., which SVB used to help fund the entire startup & VC-backed ecosystem, it becomes even more complex.

What we are seeing here is nothing new, but ultimately boils down to trust. When the consumer trusts the system, it functions, to a point. When trust is lost, the entire system can come crashing down in hours. There is a reason Goodwill is a line item on the Balance Sheet. This isn't limited to banking/finance/VC/PE, but also extends into the healthcare system, education, etc... Pretty much most sectors of the global economy.

@MortgageHorn what is your take on the impact to a homeowner who is current on payments, locked in over the past 2 years at below 3% and the bank they have their mortgage with goes into receivership?


Dec 1, 2020

‘Point Of No Return’: Police Leaving NYPD At Record-Breaking Pace​


‘Point Of No Return’: Police Leaving NYPD At Record-Breaking Pace

Police officers in New York City are resigning at a record-breaking pace this year, according to new data analyzed by the New York Post.

In the first two months of 2023, 239 officers left the New York City Police Department, substantially more than the 176 who left in 2022 and the 110 who left in 2021 during the same time period.

“The NYPD staffing emergency is approaching the point of no return,” Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said. “We are losing cops to better pay and benefits in other policing jobs almost every day.”

Officers have said that poor working conditions, pay, and politics have all contributed to the large number of officers leaving the force.

“Precinct cops are being forced to work an inhumane amount of overtime, including on their days off, while being penalized for minor uniform and administrative infractions,” one officer told The Post. “Meanwhile, precincts barely have enough personnel to meet the minimum required to safely answer 911 calls.”

If resignations continue at the current pace, about 1,400 officers will have quit the department by the end of the year. Some of the officers are going to work for New York’s metro system while others have moved to states like Florida.

According to one Manhattan cop, the NYPD is rife with mismanagement. “Hundreds of cops are being hidden under fake assignments or assigned to headquarters sitting at a desk all day and are considered ‘untouchable’ for patrol or enforcement duty because they have high-ranking supervisors protecting them,” he told The Post.

A spokesman for City Hall said that public safety remained the city’s “top priority” and that the city had seen a decline in certain violent crimes despite a nationwide labor shortage.

Many officers started leaving in the wake of the violent protests over George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis that rocked the country in 2020.

“The allure and luster of the NYPD are gone for now. They need to restore that,” said Spero Georgedakis, a recruiter who seeks to bring former New York cops to Florida.
Retirements have also ticked up in the department as crime in the city increases and the department struggles to effectively manage its limited resources.

Lynch said that the city needed to increase benefits and pay for the officers to keep more from leaving. “If that doesn’t happen very, very soon, we won’t have a police department left,” he said.

The increase in resignations comes as the NYPD has decreased fitness requirements, with the department recently cutting a timed 1.5-mile run in part so more women could qualify for the force.

Police departments across the country have struggled to recruit in recent years, a trend that has come alongside increased anti-police sentiment in major cities and the “defund the police” movement backed by some Democrat politicians.


Jan 8, 2021
Give them time when they get in the SEC they will learn, maybe. Probably not. Retards.
Oklahoma didn’t make the tournament and raped the best of the SEC in basketball. Maybe sit down and be quiet, Precious.

And, we aren’t bringing the retarded midget rolling wave of grass with us to the SEC. Kansas is going to join the SWAC.


Dec 1, 2020

For Sale – Woke Bank Clunker, Must Move ASAP: FDIC Rushes Silicon Valley Bank to the Financial Scrapyard to Auction it Off for Parts Today​


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