That's why I moved to Ooltewah.Dang Hometown making the news
Haven't dug into this but it seems like it might have some teeth. The venue is US District Court Northern District of Texas Amarillo Division. Giddy up.
That's why I moved to Ooltewah.
hmmmmm the peace loving but misguided neocons make another "mistake"Biden and his NeoCon Idiots have the Midas Touch in reverse. Everything they do turns to shit.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
If only the deep state had rigged those machines in 2016 by 40,000 more votes they never would have been "exposed" like this.....panic in the deep state!!I’d rather know I’m being lied to than not know. Sadly, I think I’m in the minority with that sentiment.
Yah WHITE People do not fight back.
I taught all my kids to defend themselves and keep swinging until they are wiped out.
Don't go down and don't quit. Make them pay.
Do what ever it takes even gouge out their eyeballs if necessary.
Fun fact...the owner of our liquor store is a long time family friend. I was after him to get TX (whiskey and bourbon) as soon as possible. Took 2 years and he always keeps some back for me. He sells it as fast as he stocks it but be always has mine set aside.I'll send you a couple of bottles of Bourbon from Texas.
I want you all "Sauced Up & Sassy" when you go after those assholes!
So...Potatus Joe plagiarized your friends, too????What's funny is I'm not fat or named jack. Joke from middle school that stuck
If you look at the entire body of work he brings a shit load of great info over what you contribute. The great posters get some right and some wrong but we march on.That is stuupid, racist, and irresponsible for stating. You say some of the dumbest fvcking things sometimes.
I would love to fight you I know I could win but I would let you win so we could laugh about the fight while we were drinking with your husband buying our drinks. How sweet would that be?Fight. Back.
I never wanted my kids to fight, obviously (and to my knowledge, other than Max getting into a scuffle on the field, they never have. I know my girls never have) but we NEVER taught our kids to not throw the first punch. We taught them to do everything probable to de escalate /walk away if possible, but if it's inevitable? Hit first, hit fast, and hit hard. No slap fighting. Try to end it quickly. Do not turtle and take a beating. If/when you get them down, step back but be prepared. You're going to suffer the disciplinary consequences anyway, no matter who instigated, soooo....
No need to get your ass beat, too. And there's never a time you let somebody hit you because it's the polite/right thing to do. If you can't get out of the fight, make sure the other party thinks twice about ever acting out again.
Men? Teach your girls how to fight. Show her how to throw a left hook. Show her how easy it is to break ribs with her elbow. Show her how to break a hold. And then teach her to run and scream 'FIRE' (everybody ignores HELP) Teach and empower her that she is not just a weak little girl.
And teach her to never voluntarily take a punch because emotions.
Always remind her that being a lady means she is strong and stands up for herself as she does for others.
♥I haven't even had 2 glasses tonight. Just exhausted and wired from 15 hours in the car.
But I do love Emmylou. And I love this song. So I'm taking this as a compliment.
Of course you would win. I'm a 5'1" woman. But dammit...I'll get my shot in.I would love to fight you I know I could win but I would let you win so we could laugh about the fight while we were drinking with your husband buying our drinks. How sweet would that be?
Hey, I was a buyer for 25 years at Chrysler the customer always pays. I'm in if you are but check with him first. Those Hillsdale guys have strong minds of their own. Your call.Of course you would win. I'm a 5'1" woman. But dammit...I'll get my shot in.
The problem with your scenario? My husband would step in before it got that far....not that it would. I'm not advocating for anybody to fight and I sure as hell don't make a habit of instigating...because I'm a 5'1" woman. But damn I'll verbally wear you out if it comes to it. You'll be looking for the nearest bridge. (Just ask my husband. He'll probably drag you to the bar for sympathy shots). And then we all wind up being the bestest friends ever, huge bar tab. And then there will be a friendly argument over who pays and I will. (My husband pays my CC
Seriously...My point is.....Stop teaching children that getting your ass beat is a virtue. It. Is. Not. No matter what the 'adults' say. Sometimes, they need to fight back. They need to know how.
Now that said? If (and I'm making no accusations to anyone) your kid is the asshole? Maybe an ass whipping will do him /her some good.
But seriously, I'm saying this again. Teach your girls, as you do your boys, basic fighting and self defense skills.
And you have a cock, bro. Always be thankful for your cock. Hope this helps. TIA.I take roof test, do roofs in Frorida. Prease bring hair storm to Frorida.