Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Remember, Lori Lightfoot HAD the biggest dick in Chicago.
Not to try and steal mtghorns thunder, but I handle lending as well. I focus on the southeast though. If anyone needs a second opinion or advice just let me know. Have some private money options as well

That’s awesome. I never knew that. I’ll hit you up in a DM.

BTW I really think you should change your call sign to…

Picked this up on another forum. Dropping it here for those interested in Covid Origins to dissect and discuss.


Most biomedical studies are false.

The alleged “lab leak” narrative is scientifically baseless and part of a “fake binary” construct.

“…To anyone who may have been taken in by this GOF/Bioweapon narrative, remember that there is no evidence of any purified and isolated “viral” particles ever coming directly from human samples that are then proven pathogenic in a natural way. Virology does not dispute this. If they can not find a “virus” in nature, they can not create one in a lab. That is truly all you need to know.”

Your article assumes the scientific validity of Germ Theory and the pathogenic “Virus” Hypothesis. It further assumes that synthetic versions of hypothetical in silico pathogenic “virus” particles not found in nature can be constructed artificially in a biolab to cause disease via so-called “gain” of function experimentation. Both assumptions are false.

Dr. Stefano Scoglio (2018 Nobel Prize nominee): “The new killer variant: a pure invention!”

“…It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding reifying the Big Lie that “Covid” is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic.

“Covid” the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses. They gamed the system to code for “covid deaths.”

This has never had anything to with what is nothing more than a computer-generated genome falsely attributed to a novel pathogen….”

Virology does not comply with the scientific method. Required properly designed control experiments are never conducted by virologists, making virology a pseudoscientific specialty. Thus, its claims are scientifically baseless, notwithstanding that the vast majority of the global population (including MDs and phDs who themselves are victims of miseducation via corrupted medical school and phD curricula espousing the Germ Theory and “Virus” Hypothesis) has been indoctrinated to believe those falsehoods since birth by relentless medical propaganda over more than a century.

“….Any body of knowledge that purports to be scientific or to be supported by science but which fails to comply with the scientific method……”

No health institution anywhere on the planet (including CDC and WHO) has been able to produce scientific evidence of an isolated and purified sample from a symptomatic human of the alleged “SARS-CoV-.2” in response to Freedom of Information Requests.

The initial “SARS-CoV-2” genomic sequence assembly uploaded to Genbank in early 2020 was fraudulently constructed and does not exist in nature.

There are no existing scientifically valid “tests” for the alleged “SARS-CoV-2” genome and none of them (PCR, antigen, antibody) have been validated for diagnostic specificity. All EUA “tests” claiming to do so are scientifically fraudulent. There never was a “pandemic” in 2020 other than by fraudulent declaration of the U.N.’s WHO. All of the alleged “case” numbers are fraudulent. The term “infectious disease” is an oxymoron. Every attempt in history to prove contagion has failed, including by the U.S. military (e.g., Rosenau, etc.). See, e.g.: and and and .

There is an ongoing reproducibility and epistemology crisis in genomic research. The database of alleged “virus” genomic sequences is scientifically meaningless; it is merely a set of flawed computer models never shown to exist in nature. It is impossible to synthetically construct a “gain” of function for a fictitious hypothetical “virus” entity never proven to exist in nature – all funding allocated to this unscientific concept has been wasted, a colossal misallocation of capital.

There are no remedies necessary or possible for alleged pathogenic “viruses” never scientifically proven to exist.

Dr. Stefano Scoglio: “That mRNA ‘vaccines’ cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”. Tale.pdf
That boy has obviously got serious mental problems.

I believe the clinical name is DELUSIONS OF GRANDUER.

In other words, he thinks he really is something.

I think he is something too.

A f*cking criminal.

A really stupid one.

Come on Putin, take care of this clown.

You would be doing the entire world a big favor.–saEtAAAA
Beanz has always been an accurate follow particularly with court/case related issues. Seems the couple making the AZ claims have a long history of filing ludicrous claims. But she’s not done yet.

If you read the documents enclosed in this tweet, and if true, it's no wonder why our elections have the results they have. The ultimate source for all this is drug money laundering which has crept into election fraud and other activities designed to, 1) launder money, 2) pay off those who facilitate the corruption, 3) steal elections - also to keep the scheme going and undiscovered, and 4) much more.

If this is happening in AZ and other states, it's likely happening in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and even your home state. The question is: Are there enough non-corrupted officials around who can investigate, charge, prosecute and punish those who do this? I have my doubts.

So a perfect fit for the circus. Incompetence reigns in this regime.
Just like the shit going on in Arizona with election fraud and massive fake document scams to launder cartel drug money, these people have been selected who have operated outside the rule of law and will continue to do so by implementing Obama's "fundamentally transforming America".

The GOP led by LadyBugs Graham will continue to fast track these people into office so as to protect their corruption.



^^yeah, right^^


Re: Vanguard. Appears they temporarily stumbled upon sanity. All those pushing ESG, DEI, global warming and the other stuff know it's a scam. They know they can make lots of money before this nitwittery crumbles. It's taken 3 years for people to emerge from behind the shrubs to admit Wuhan Charlie was a charade yet many still push it.
You see no realistic scenario in which Putin could actually have some sense of virtue?

No scenario in which he utilized the oligarch structure, commandeered it through his equity stakes, and then ousted/overthrew those same oligarch's?

No scenario in which he saw the degeneracy of the western elites and their outright paganism that leads to slavery, both labor and sexual, that he tried to remove his country from partaking? Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

Can people ever change of transform their views. Go from evil to good? Has you read Acts?

For someone who see's Trump as a puppet, and he might be (the probability is not zero), I don't know how you take such a media-driven narrative on Putin as gospel.

Thank you!!!!!!!
If you read the documents enclosed in this tweet, and if true, it's no wonder why our elections have the results they have. The ultimate source for all this is drug money laundering which has crept into election fraud and other activities designed to, 1) launder money, 2) pay off those who facilitate the corruption, 3) steal elections - also to keep the scheme going and undiscovered, and 4) much more.

If this is happening in AZ and other states, it's likely happening in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and even your home state. The question is: Are there enough non-corrupted officials around who can investigate, charge, prosecute and punish those who do this? I have my doubts.

There are not enough non-corrupted.

If you add up the total salaries of public officials (once known as elected) needed to control this country it is not that much.

Half of Congress
Five to six swing state governors, Secretaries of State, attorney general, plus the mayors and a few judges of the major metro areas were n those states.

That’s about it. You can buy this country on the cheap.

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