Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
It appears that these balloons or other unidentified flying objects are appearing over northern sections of the US today. I think I've read about 3 additional one today. What in the ever living F is going on with all this? Distraction from something else or real?
Don’t start believing their bullshit now, when we’ve been talking about it for years in these threads.

Why are you attacking those who are fighting the hardest?

She is from Iowa.
I think we disagree on "fighting the hardest"

It's WWE, she goes on screen and asks for your money and then proceeds to do many things.....none of which constitute fighting for her voters

It's a grift......every single time

Everybody knows and it's ok. We were born on a sunken can stay put, move to the stern or bow.....just be aware up may be down and vice versa. Be "Gene Hackman" or be sure to follow one with his sense of which direction to go
Copied from Wiki:

During the mid-to-late 1950s Crick was very much intellectually engaged in sorting out the mystery of how proteins are synthesised. By 1958, Crick's thinking had matured and he could list in an orderly way all of the key features of the protein synthesis process:[7]

  • genetic information stored in the sequence of DNA molecules
  • a "messenger" RNA molecule to carry the instructions for making one protein to the cytoplasm
  • adaptor molecules ("they might contain nucleotides") to match short sequences of nucleotides in the RNA messenger molecules to specific amino acids
  • ribonucleic-protein complexes that catalyse the assembly of amino acids into proteins according to the messenger RNA
The adaptor molecules were eventually shown to be tRNAs and the catalytic "ribonucleic-protein complexes" became known as ribosomes. An important step was the realization by Crick and Brenner on 15 April 1960 during a conversation with François Jacob that messenger RNA was not the same thing as ribosomal RNA.[59] Later that summer, Brenner, Jacob, and Matthew Meselson conducted an experiment which was the first to prove the existence of messenger RNA.[59] None of this, however, answered the fundamental theoretical question of the exact nature of the genetic code. In his 1958 article, Crick speculated, as had others, that a triplet of nucleotides could code for an amino acid. Such a code might be "degenerate", with 4×4×4=64 possible triplets of the four nucleotide subunits while there were only 20 amino acids. Some amino acids might have multiple triplet codes. Crick also explored other codes in which, for various reasons, only some of the triplets were used, "magically" producing just the 20 needed combinations.[60] Experimental results were needed; theory alone could not decide the nature of the code. Crick also used the term "central dogma" to summarise an idea that implies that genetic information flow between macromolecules would be essentially one-way:

DNA → RNA → protein

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