I tell her you guys have been a lifesaver. because of the main board Hurricane thread I was able to convince my parents to leave before a mandatory evacuation was called before Harvey and we’re on the road 45 minutes before the rest of coast. Because of y’all I made them watch that YouTube video about the satanic pedophiles in Hollywood and government.
They went to the grocery store two days before the mandatory Covid world stoppage. I told my dad I’d pay him double whatever they spent at the grocery store he tell my mom to go.
I begged him not to get the first job take out the Johnson and Johnson. I begged them not to get the first job they got the Johnson and Johnson I pleaded with them not to get the booster, but they did. After my mothers funeral, I did not say anything like I told you so tell my dad when he said I was right, and they should have listened to me.
Talk about a Pyrrhic victory.
It only cost me things before I father didn’t call me an Internet nut job any more.
The my brother and father, standing in the towel, my brother saying thank you to the hurricane. The last picture is a couple months before my brother died. all four of us were together. It is my mothers birthday, and I came to corpus to eat, and my brother came up from San Angelo to surprise them. I miss them both dearly and I really hate drunk drivers and the bastards you convinced healthy people to go get the booster. Well, I guess I’m gonna drink some gin tonight.
Think about those who love tonight let them now how much they mean to you. We went from 4 to 2 in our family in the time it takes most people to watch UT get hyped up preseason and beat down by week 4 in two seasons.
Although I will say, I can’t not like Colt McCoy,