Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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You want to talk about having your shit in order this guy wins the day.

Doubt this will pass but it's a start in Texas.

Bill being introduced to mandate no gov't employees (any local, city, country, state, ISD or others) make more than the Governor. He is at $167,000/yr and the Dallas City Manager is at $423,000. Many ISD superintendents and administrators across Texas make 2-3x what the Gov. makes.

Their first cry will be that "you can't find good people to lead" if you don't pay them above average salaries. Bullshit. They are already making obscene salaries and the academic results seen are abysmal. I'm certain there are plenty of people who could do these jobs at what the Governor is making.

The first thing the Legislature needs to do is remove the handcuffs on teachers and admins in schools so they can teach and discipline students. And get rid of these "special months" like Black History Month.
I hope it does and I'm with you that it probably doesn't. It's ridiculous what some of these assholes make and what the GOAT'S citizens get in return.

No kidding. Now Mollie you need to report this. The masks not only did no good they did evil. Firstly, by the physical muzzling of the face and mouth and thus the mental psyop side of it. To be subjugated and less than. Secondly, it actually made people sicker. Depriving them of the one nutrient humans cannot live without, oxygen. Also priming lungs for subsequent respiratory illnesses. Report that Mollie. Skol!

Anecdote. This delta agent inminneapolis was sick and wearing a mask. Shecould hardly breath and went on 15 minute unsolicited rant about how she is always fighting something. Meanwhile touching her medical waste of a mask 50 times to catch her breath. Nice lady but clueless.
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I hope it does and I'm with you that it probably doesn't. It's ridiculous what some of these assholes make and what the GOAT'S citizens get in return.
If it passes, there will be a lot of school superintendents screaming from high heaven. Most in the large school districts are making as much and many times more than the Governor's salary.

What about the coaches salaries? Or the buyouts many get jumping job to job. There are several athletic directors making north of $1 million. Even with booster's paying much of the sports salaries, I'm guessing what the school's are paying of state money on their salaries is well north of what the Gov makes.
This is a huge story not in western msm at all.

The King of Thailand and the Government is stripping Pfizer and probably all manufacturers of sovereign immunity to do with mRNA vaccines. The Billions in lawsuits will bankrupt Pfizer.

This is a huge story not in western msm at all.

The King of Thailand and the Government is stripping Pfizer and probably all manufacturers of sovereign immunity to do with mRNA vaccines. The Billions in lawsuits will bankrupt Pfizer.

My guess is there will be several in Thailand shot for their complicity. As this spreads, many in lots of countries may have a similar fate.
You said you were suspicious of him....was asking if he needed to be put on the TFSF watchlist. A suspek if you will.
Oh hell I don't know I think we all are on every list those fucks have.
Ha Ha Ha.
I have been on the shit list since a lid of Mexican was 10 dollars. and I was drinking shine in the backseat and making out with Hippy Chicks.
That's what ruined me.

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