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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021
I want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts for my niece Kelly. Below is an update from her. She is an amazing and strong woman. Love to all in this thread!

Hey friends! For those of you following along on my journey, I wanted to share an update.
Your prayers worked!
God is so good! I was able to stay at home until my scheduled date for the cath! (I was concerned my lung would fill up and I would have to go to the ER…..but that didn’t happen)!
Thank you!!
I had my PleurX catheter placed yesterday. A PleurX drainage catheter is a thin, flexible tube that was placed in my chest to drain fluid from my pleural space. This will make it easier for me to breathe. Although it is still painful, the process went smooth. I’ll be able to start draining tomorrow….at home!
I’ll be meeting with my radiation oncologist on Thursday and then my oncologist next Tuesday. This mean my biomarkers will be back and a plan of attack will be created! Boom! Let’s GO!!
Please keep the prayers coming for an amazing treatment plan!
God Keep and Bless You and bring healing to you.


Jan 8, 2021
Him and the Fag Austin are both Treasonous SOB's. Mad Dog Mattis. Should have been called Piss Cat Mattis.
Dude, Mattis is such a piece of shit. That guy personally let a lot of Marines die in Fallujah. When Delta Force requested to assist in the battle of Fallujah he denied their request telling the Squadron Sargent Major something a long the lines of Marines are made to die. No thanks..
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SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Dude, Mattis is such a piece of shit. That guy personally let a lot of Marines die in Fallujah. When Delta Force requested to assist in the battle of Fallujah he denied their request telling the Squadron Master Sargent something a long the lines of Marines are made to die. No thanks..
Wait what? I was in Fallujah. Go on. Fallujah 1 or 2?


Jan 8, 2021

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