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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 9, 2020
I like Roy and all but this so called negotiation is just McCarthy trying to save his career. He has no intention of doing anything significant for the 20 "Rebels." McCarthy stepping aside should be item #1 on the negotiating table. If he doesn't do that, keep having these show elections for speaker. Meanwhile the American people win every day the house of reps isn't legislating.

100% agree. Someone else is item #1.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
One more non-McCarthy vote should put it back into the threshold of where he can't get enough votes, unless assisted by the D's.
And there it is.

Edit: For those not paying that close of attention, there are 435 members of congress. The speaker has to win the majority of the votes. Half of 435 is 217.5, so getting 218 votes (when all members are present) would ensure a victory.

Currently, the house has 212 D's, and 223 R's. So if all D's keep voting D as they have, that would mean that only 5 R's could vote non-McCarthy, in order for him to get through. Once 6 is hit, technically, he won't get through unless some of the D's don't vote, or cross the aisle.

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