Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
His first ones fired would be aimed at Houston and along the Louisiana Mississippi River to get all the oil refineries.
The huge Chevron refinery sitting on top of a salt dome in Mt. Belvieu, East of Houston was Sadaam's number 2 target during the Gulf War. This plant has expanded a lot since then and would expect it might be Pootin's number 1 considering all of the connecting pipelines etc...
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Exactly what irritates me about him. He’s done this over and over.
It's the first time I've noticed it from him. I know he and Hannity are very close so I've been keeping a closer eye on what he says/does. I get what he's saying about KMC and if he doesn't do what he put in writing then throw his ass out....who's to say he'll leave after we KNOW he won't keep all of his promises or work behind the scenes to derail all of the so called "investigations"
This exercise on the House floor has been great for this Country. It’s eye opening to see all the people we thought were with us cower like dogs when rubber meets the road. All the media personalities and “conservatives” shilling for KM are weaklings that either want to keep things as is or evade the crosshairs of the swamp. The 20 is who we have with us and they deserve our unwavering support. God Bless them. Hold the line.

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