Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Hindsight is a truly great scholar. He sees things most clear. At this point, DC is a swamp whose many creatures are yet to be revealed...whose character, integrity and trustworthiness is minimal. I’m still gonna go with the guy who has done more to reveal its filthy underbelly than anyone else.
I get that, and I will as well. That doesn't mean he is above reproach though.
I get all that. I even agree with much of it. However not all the people he "exposed" are out of government and one of them is currently making deals with democrats in the senate (Mitch says hello) I respect your pedigree as a lawyer and will trust what you have to say as I am not too familiar with the litigation type stuff. I also thank you for offering your opinions here for those of us who need some guidance. I just think it is fair to say Donald has had trouble with many key position appointments/nominations. That doesn't mean i do not support his message, just wanted and expected more from him in this area. JMO.
No doubt. Great points. And I agree the Swamp swarmed him into mistakes from time to time. I’m just saying that not all Trump appointees or endorsements are mistakenly bad.
Nobody has. Which is why I said I would still support him. I will also be a critique of his when he makes bad decisions.

Criticism can be a good thing if it is well directed and taken to heart. JMO
I don’t think he has knowingly made mistakes. I hope he has learned from any that have been made. I think it is an absolutely daunting task that he has undertaken. We are not dealing with a stupid or weak opponent. There are bound to be plants...and I agree that he has allowed some of those plants to out themselves. He’s not going to be perfect...nobody is, but man, I do respect what he has undertaken, what he is doing, and what he has done. I’m gonna support the positive and realize there will be some mishaps.
So does anything change between votes? Or they just keep running it through over and over again until they get a winner? Seems like quite a waste of time if there's no indication that the vote would significantly change.
I recall hearing that at somtime(s) in the past, the House voted to temporarily change the rule requiring actual majority and go with simple most-votes-wins.
This confirms it for me, Gov and WEF are definitely trying to kill off the fats.
Not so sure. That would be political suicide and likely result in immediate recalls, so I don’t know if the threat would be convincing.
Not every state allows recalls. The Rino's who would do this might as well be socialibdems. Any of those who voted to impeach Trump are candidates. The last thing they want is any "bull in the China shop" Speaker who might let any investigations actually investigate. Maybe a Speaker who would open up the Congressional Fund used to pay off their misdeeds for all the world to see. Who did what and how much did the taxpayers pay out.
Texas has forfeited any right to claim GOAT status. Fix your fucking Courts dickheads!
Unfortunately we're being over run by fucking leftist activist Judges. Texas has and will always be their biggest target and source of all of the fucktards efforts to change us. These fucking POS Judges have been inserted for that purpose alone. It pisses me the hell off and when you have Hot Wheels as Gov., politicians like Cornyn, WEF Bitch Boi Crenshaw etc... I'm afraid shit is on a downhill slide.

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