Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I feel like I should weigh in on this whole “mizzou ducking ku” saga. As a mizzou guy I have to say…..I agree with @Jayhox , of course mizzou ducked them. Eli is a humongous an fagit. He is also in a passionate relationship with Brady Cook.
No idea what happened with the Bowl, but I can confirm Eli is a fagit and Cook is the worst QB in Division 1.
I will admit that I do not follow the Ukrainian conflict closely, but I read what @FreeMiner posts and then I see tweets like this one below and I am utterly confused. There are two entirely different stories being told. Is it all propaganda?

I have no notion as to the truth of the Russian info Freeminer posts, but we know Foxnews is nothing more than a mouthpiece for globalists.


Scott Perry releases statement on Kevin McCarthy​


So the football players vital signs have returned to normal, but he is still on vent. I pray he is fine, but if they did CPR for 10 min, it’s a sign he will probably be brain dead or severely brain damaged. Prayers for the young man and his family.
Wrong, CPR keeps the blood flowing through the entire body giving oxygen to all the vital organs. If he recovers, he will be fine.
Wrong, CPR keeps the blood flowing through the entire body giving oxygen to all the vital organs. If he recovers, he will be fine.
Brain injury is always a risk in cardiac arrest patients achieving ROSC, however it is possible that prolonged CPR may cause further damage due to reduced cardiac output during resuscitation.


'It’s a piece of cake really - that's why you have so many out here': Portland homeless​

'It’s a piece of cake really - that's why you have so many out here': Portland homeless woman boasts about how she is fed three meals a day by woke city and can stay in her tent all day and do drugs

A homeless woman on the streets of Portland bragged about the perks of living on the streets, including the free meals and the ability to be high all day.

The woman, known only as Wendy, said open-air drug policies are bringing more tents onto the streets.

Portland currently has more than 700 homeless encampments across the city within less than 150 square miles, and the ordeal has also led to the skyrocketing use of cocaine, heroin, LCD, and meth which officials decriminalized in 2020.

'It’s a piece of cake really that's why you probably have so many out here really because they feed you three meals a day and don’t have to do sh*** but stay in your tent and party,' Wendy told Kevin Dahlgren with community engagement organization We Heart Seattle.


I will admit that I do not follow the Ukrainian conflict closely, but I read what @FreeMiner posts and then I see tweets like this one below and I am utterly confused. There are two entirely different stories being told. Is it all propaganda?

I usually just skip over anything related to that situation because of exactly what you posted. I can't believe either side so I don't waste my time with it.

There's going to be some shenanigans. The Deep State wants McCarthy as Speaker. What little is being said via tweets etc. shows exactly how much the fear McCarthy not being elected and to what extent the establishment will go to see McCarthy is elected. If so, no meaningful investigations and certainly no charges or punishment dealt out and all money in the Omnibus bill will be funded.

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