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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
I will admit that I do not follow the Ukrainian conflict closely, but I read what @FreeMiner posts and then I see tweets like this one below and I am utterly confused. There are two entirely different stories being told. Is it all propaganda?

If you take the side of the people who proclaim to be main stream media (NBC, Fox, CBS print papers, ect...), you are buying propaganda. (at lest based on the track record of those folks in the last bunch of decades.)


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
Dear LAC

Will be announced that a high-ranking member of the government directly had someone in the press banned from a blue-birdhouse soley for retribution of their reporting about them.

They have the receipts BTW

I think @Jayhox can confirm this would be a serious violation of the 1st Amendment.

You'll know when it breaks.

That's all I can say at this time.

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