Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Before too much longer. Normal people. The Martha and Henry's will have to decide whether to start pushing out these LOONS who are actually becoming a threat to humanity.
You will have to decide whether to Obey and Submit to the Lunatics like the Bidens of this world and starve your family to death, or finally take some sort of action. I am not sure they will leave you alone even if you just quietly begin producing your own food. These people are certifiable LUNATICS.

Someone refusing to competently do their job so they could possibly be a witness at a trial in the indeterminate future is not a reasonable view, it’s a fantasy.
I understand your position but I am more than willing to let it play out and see if that is the case.
I got nothing else than trying to stay positive for me my wife, my kids, and my grandkids. That's it..............

96% of Monkeypox cases are Gay men! Why Hasn't the CDC closed all Gay bars? Super Spreaders​

Same logic if you're going to a Gay bar, you're killing your friends.

Where is the local news shaming gays who go to bars?

All we heard is how selfish we were for going outside or God forbid the Gym much less a bar!

Think of the hell they put that gym owner through in Jersey!

I guess the only good thing with MonkeyPox is you can tell who has that shit!

Anybody buying his Impossible meat? Its always fully stocked at the stores here. I never see anyone buying it. I bet ot has the shelf life of a twinkie. I dont even want to look at it.
My wife has been buying these fake chicken patties and made a chicken sandwich with them with pickles and mayo. It wasn’t horrible but it’s just not the same. Most of the time I won’t eat it. She thinks it’s healthier
Personally a big fan of Quigley. He had access to all the secret files and groups. He wrote this book and it was only published after his death. Because he knew they would kill him. They being the Deep State Apparatus running the USA.
Somehow the book got to print before they realized it. So the CIA bought up every available copy.
How the British Empire recaptured America and controls Canada to this day.

Quigley wasn’t on the side of the people of America lol. He was Bill Clinton’s personal groomer at Georgetown.
I understand your position but I am more than willing to let it play out and see if that is the case.
I got nothing else than trying to stay positive for me my wife, my kids, and my grandkids. That's it..............
Agree Bama. Vol makes a good point and personally I like his posts. Don't agree with most as I try to maintain a positive attitude to all the shit that is going on. We shall wait and see on all of this. I like some of the stuff that is coming to the surface
Just heard on the Howie Carr show that Biden wants to give all illegals ID cards that will make it easier for them to get Government services ie welfare no matter where they are relocated.
This is exactly what Obama tried to impose and now is that he is running the show from the basement of one of his houses.

It's called the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The premise is to overwhelm the welfare state so that all revenue goes to hand-outs and nothing is left for anything else. Quickest way to bankrupt a country with a perpetual motion money printing machine.

One more thing to point out to libs, and actually any of the we have to save Ukraine bullshit. Ask the pro war libs why is Biden's, Romney's, Kerry's, Pelosi's and other family's all so heavily involved in Ukraine. Not the UK or France or any Westen European country, but this corrupt USSR spinoff. Their only answer is that you must be pro Putin. They are not intellectually honest enough to think for themselves.
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Before too much longer. Normal people. The Martha and Henry's will have to decide whether to start pushing out these LOONS who are actually becoming a threat to humanity.
You will have to decide whether to Obey and Submit to the Lunatics like the Bidens of this world and starve your family to death, or finally take some sort of action. I am not sure they will leave you alone even if you just quietly begin producing your own food. These people are certifiable LUNATICS.

It was nice growing up in the time when these folks would have been called lunatics and sent to the nervous hospital


The major move will have to be after the Pubs take over the House and Senate. Can’t take down the big boys while the Rats control Congress. But the stage is setting up pretty nicely. The average Joe is willing to listen at this point.
This assumes the GOP takes over those institutions. Many of us feel the theft that will be seen on election day and beforehand will be in the open and obvious with no judicial or LEO investigations. There is simply too much known about the Socialibdems agenda and their corruption that they (the Socialibdems) cannot allow for flipping the Congress. Same reason nothing will happen if the GOP does get control. The GOP has as many dirty hands as the Dems. They don't want their secrets exposed either. They will go through investigations and hearings knowing the Socialibdems will not prosecute.

TRUMP: "If I announced that I was not going to run for office, the persecution of Donald Trump would immediately stop ... But that's what they want me to do, and you know what? There's no chance I'd do that."

Liberals and blacks cannot stand that Asians have a different culture and they succeed in the same arena as blacks.

Soooooo, it must be racism. It couldn’t be the black community refuses to accept fault for their community failures. And, their self destructive allegiance to all things democrat/liberal.
Thats why this Black BS is wearing thin with everybody. Look at Africa FFS. Go be a productive part of society. ITs amazing the complaining and whining being done.
Quigley wasn’t on the side of the people of America lol. He was Bill Clinton’s personal groomer at Georgetown.
He may have been, I am talking about his published work. I have no knowledge of his personal life in anyway.
Do you have proof of what you are saying. I am not saying he was or was not.
Probably 90% of Academia could be classified the same. And the same number in Hollywood etc. etc on and on.
And how many politicians groomed by the Deep State So that the Deep State owns them and controls them.
Folks need to understand how the system works.
Who do you think owns Joe Biden. There is always that someone or group who when they call Joe for a meeting he never refuses their call or too meet. Who would that be.
Who is Joe's Puppeteer?
There was that denied and discredited study, that claimed that a woman retained all the DNA of every male, who had every had sex with her in any way or by any method. And that the DNA crosses the barrier to the brain.
I am very sure Kamala is that classic case proving the point of that study.
In Joe's case I think we know why he wears a diaper.
He takes it in the brown. And something crossed the barrier to his brain as well.


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