Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Great vid on the WEF and the attack on food. Ve vill eat ze bugs and enjoy zem! And fake fucking meat, what ever the fuck that is? SKOL!
Explain this like a five year old could understand it.

Long Term 30 Year Rates Have Gone Down for 30 Years

China Holds $2 Trillion of These Instruments That Pay Them Interest

They Have Sold $1 Trillion Over Last 6 Months

Part A - Why Would They Sell? (Not Invading)

1. US Economy is Going to Suck & Possibly Default (Eventually Will Happen) So They Are Selling Now to Make More Prior to Bonds Eroding in Value

2. China Economy Sucks and They Need to Sell US Treasuries to Raise Cash to Defend The Yuan and Stop It & Their Economy From Collapsing

Part B- (Invading)

1. They Are Selling to Be Holding Zero US Bonds Before They Invade Taiwan Because US Could Suspend Payments to Them Where They Would Make Zero on the $2 Trillion - Better to Sell Now and Make Something Prior to Starting War

Either Way a THIRTY YEAR TREND Just Got Reversed - Not Good and Our Mortgage Rates Likely Headed Higher for a While

These Trends Usually Run For Decades and Are Hard to Reverse

@Hoosier in Mad Town - How Did I Do?
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"He died "unexpectedly" on July 13 in West Hollywood, California, according to his obituary. He was 41 and a resident of East Lansing, it read."

West Hollywood = Faggot

Butt-Fucking Got Him the Africa-Pox


West Hollywood = Liberal

He Got the Jab and Clotted Out

I know most people think he is a computer genius turned into a controlling evil bastard. Same with people thinking Warren Buffet is an investment genius that just happened to be dirty.

Could it be more likely that they have always been evil even before their prominence? Could it be that their evil nature is why they were selected to take on their present roles of prominence and influence?
Long Term 30 Year Rates Have Gone Down for 30 Years

China Holds $2 Trillion of These Instruments That Pay Them Interest

They Have Sold $1 Trillion Over Last 6 Months

Part A - Why Would They Sell? (Not Invading)

1. US Economy is Going to Suck & Possibly Default (Eventually Will Happen) So They Are Selling Now to Make More Prior to Bonds Eroding in Value

2. China Economy Sucks and They Need to Sell US Treasuries to Raise Cash to Defend The Yuan and Stop It & Their Economy From Collapsing

Part B- (Invading)

1. They Are Selling to Be Holding Zero US Bonds Before They Invade Taiwan Because US Could Suspend Payments to Them Where They Would Make Zero on the $2 Trillion - Better to Sell Now and Make Something Prior to Starting War

Either Way a THIRTY YEAR TREND Just Got Reversed - Not Good and Our Mortgage Rates Likely Headed Higher for a While

These Trends Usually Run For Decades and Are Hard to Reverse

@Hoosier in Mad Town - How Did I Do?
Pretty good for a sales guy :)

I do think they are likely freeing up cashflow to transition more to BRICS infrastructure where they become the major issuer of debt rather than holder of debt. Not sure the impact of our economy, one way or the other, will actually impact that strategy as long as India/SA/etc... are buyers.
Long Term 30 Year Rates Have Gone Down for 30 Years

China Holds $2 Trillion of These Instruments That Pay Them Interest

They Have Sold $1 Trillion Over Last 6 Months

Part A - Why Would They Sell? (Not Invading)

1. US Economy is Going to Suck & Possibly Default (Eventually Will Happen) So They Are Selling Now to Make More Prior to Bonds Eroding in Value

2. China Economy Sucks and They Need to Sell US Treasuries to Raise Cash to Defend The Yuan and Stop It & Their Economy From Collapsing

Part B- (Invading)

1. They Are Selling to Be Holding Zero US Bonds Before They Invade Taiwan Because US Could Suspend Payments to Them Where They Would Make Zero on the $2 Trillion - Better to Sell Now and Make Something Prior to Starting War

Either Way a THIRTY YEAR TREND Just Got Reversed - Not Good and Our Mortgage Rates Likely Headed Higher for a While

These Trends Usually Run For Decades and Are Hard to Reverse

@Hoosier in Mad Town - How Did I Do?
Well done my friend on explaining that.

I’ve said it a few times but I am actually surprised at how quickly Joe Biden and the liberal Congress have accelerated the timetable on fucking up our Economy and country
West Hollywood = Faggot

Butt-Fucking Got Him the Africa-Pox


West Hollywood = Liberal

He Got the Jab and Clotted Out
Why not both?

Pretty good for a sales guy :)

I do think they are likely freeing up cashflow to transition more to BRICS infrastructure where they become the major issuer of debt rather than holder of debt. Not sure the impact of our economy, one way or the other, will actually impact that strategy as long as India/SA/etc... are buyers.
The fed is pulling liquidity from the system. Your correct on cash flow, but the BRICS infrastructure is a bust. Lol. Chyna is having their own set of issues because of their lockdowns.

Unfortunately or fortunately the USD will not be dethroned for a while because no bRIC will settle on a base currency. No way India 🇮🇳 starts using the yuan.

The US is fucking all other currencies by strengthening the dollar to show what happens when other countries mess around. Even at our citizen’s expense.

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