Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^while we give them billions^^


been waiting and waiting. I feel that the shit is going no where. The only way to get back as the worlds greatest country is to keep the constitution but get rid of all the people in our federal govt and start over with new elections term limits. By the way the majority of the fed govt needs to be publicly executed in a gruesome way to discourage any more of this shit.
Biden Admin is trying to pressure Russia to free Griner, who is being detained in Russia for possession of cannabis. So will Biden/Harris use their power to release the countless Americans being held in our own prisons for cannabis possession? Of course not. Hypocrisy.

That is really hilarious Phil, legit cracked me up hundy.
Thank you for sharing your awesome humour, much appreciated.🙂👍

#Mountain Dew-num num?



View attachment 118848
View attachment 118849

👇EDIT:Sorry but the links I've tried to post for the above article don't seem to work.
Unsure why that's happening.


I can’t stop laughing. Does Stephen King write this tripe?
This is 100% their program. Didnt somebody post an article where the FBI was caught trying to brain wash a freak into shooting again.

AOC is just the female version of Jussie Smollett

BANNON: "It’s very simple—where is Bennie Thompson? Bennie Thompson is a staffer here. We subpoena’d Thompson, and they’re hiding behind phony privileges. Bennie Thompson and the entire committee. We subpoena’d them, and they dodged it. He has made the charges a crime, not a civil charge of wanting my testimony, he’s made it a crime, and he didn’t have the courage or guts to show up here. He sent a staffer!
Did Bannon Say that?


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