Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Are you talking about a 'good' big event, or a 'bad' event? It seems like maybe good, but I could be reading you wrong.
Good but it is all about perspective. Some think Putin attacking the globalists is good, some think bad. Xi will rid Taiwan of globalists and maybe without a war but someone on this board called me an apologist for Xi for bringing this up. When Putin or Xi fight the globalists I will support that but afterwards I do not know. Anyhoo it is perspective.
It like everyone forgot everything they learned in 2nd grade science.

Here is another one: if water expands when it freezes, shouldn't the sea levels shrink when the glaciers melt?
Ice floating on the ocean does not raise the sea level at all when that ice melts (Archimedes principle). The difference is with ice that is currently on land melting and that water draining into the ocean. That is how the ocean levels would rise.

Glaciers are by definition ice that is on land, so when glaciers melt they can raise the ocean level if that water finds its way to the ocean.

Holy Cow. A 15 year old boy who plays baseball is vaxxed. He was runnng while his parents were at his older brothers game (just threw a perfect game). While running he became short of breath and had to sit down immediately. Mom rushed home and he was having a hard time seeing. His vision was completely blurred. By the time he got to the hospital he could barley stand. Was in the hospital for 5 days. Hes doing better now. Hes working the HS baseball camp.
I asked him he was feeling. The episode was just before spring. He said he feels better but cannot keep his breath. He said he hit a double and by the time he got to 2nd base he had to sit down and get a pinch runner. He had to stop playing on his summer team. I asked him if he ever had covid. He said nope. Only his dad did, which I knew. Some of the Vax stars said corvid was causing this. Well there goes that theory. He seems and acts normal, but cannot play bc he cant catch his breath.
Good but it is all about perspective. Some think Putin attacking the globalists is good, some think bad. Xi will rid Taiwan of globalists and maybe without a war but someone on this board called me an apologist for Xi for bringing this up. When Putin or Xi fight the globalists I will support that but afterwards I do not know. Anyhoo it is perspective.
The war dance in SA, the forbidden dinner in Chyna, the soccer ball at the summit with Vlad. It all makes sense once you unplug from the matrix and recall ALL that has transpired. SKOL!
PM of Italy to step down.
Heard on Bongino just now.
I was wrong and the Duran was correct. They stated two days ago Draghi was in big trouble and was next. I said Macron was next. Whoever, whatever that was a huge globalist in Italy they just booted. But who steps into the power vacuum. A wolf in sheep's clothing or a true liberator? Craziness around the globe on purpose. Who's purpose? SKOL!
A 7-year-old was punished by her school for including the phrase "any life" on a Black Lives Matter drawing she made, and her mother is now looking to take legal action.

Chelsea Boyle said her White daughter was confused about why she got in trouble for a picture depicting her diverse group of friends at Viejo Elementary School in Orange County, California. The picture included the Black Lives Matter slogan, with the phrase "any life" underneath, along with figures of different colors to represent their various races.

"My children see color as a color, as a description. I am trying to raise them the way the world should be, not the way it is. That’s how I’m trying to make my personal change," Boyle said on the "Just Listen to Yourself" podcast, pointing out that her daughter's best friend is a person of color but not Black "and she didn’t understand why she didn’t matter, why her friend didn’t matter."

After one of her friends brought the picture home, a parent complained to the elementary school, and Boyle's daughter was disciplined by having to sit out during recess and give a public apology on the playground.

fox news


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