I’m related to John Wilkes Booth. Don’t think that lineage can’t come back.Hes literally a corpse.
I’m related to John Wilkes Booth. Don’t think that lineage can’t come back.Hes literally a corpse.
It made the fraud more obviousI remember reading about these stats in 2020 and it did nothing.
10 seconds of evil.
They seem possessed and killing babies makes them happy.Wow!
These individuals really are truly deranged.
BoJo 1st and then, Macron, the next domino to fall. The cabal seems to be having a bad day but is this all by design and what will be their answer to mass chaos? More control, why of course. Just not sure they can get the genie back in the bottle after this mass awakening. We know they war gamed this out to the infinite possibility. What will be their reply? Inquiring minds want to know. Unless, and I am spit-balling here, the white hats have checkmated these scumbags. Thus the devolution of America and the fall of the cabal is what we are currently witnessing around the world. JMHO. SKOL!
Yeah man, totally agree.They seem possessed and killing babies makes them happy.
The professor must've been a great individual to demonstrate that for ya'z. Occasionally ditching compliance to the institutional indoctrination script.Some of more interesting information I was exposed to in college was when the professor threw the lesson plan in trash and talked about whatever they felt like.
In Linear Algebra the prof asked us, "What the most powerful computers in the world are are used for?"
Of course we responded with cure cancer, solve world hunger, etc.
He laughed and let us know that they are used for war game simulations. This was 2012.
Yes they have war gamed it. My question is- if the simulation said they were going to lose, would they continue forward anyway in their arrogance? Considering a loss here is a certain death of them and there lineage, would they even have a choice?
Is the jab a lost ditch "take as many with you when go"? Exciting times.
Pic unrelated.
The professor must've been a great individual to demonstrate that for ya'z. Occasionally ditching compliance to the institutional indoctrination script.
#Teaching ya'z how to think independently and question the obvious, as opposed to the Rockefeller scripted, "what 'we' deem sufficient for the obsequious classes to think."
Arrogance is like a creature that does not have senses.
Merely a sharp tongue and a crooked pointing finger.
Arrogance is a behavioral disease by which those corrupted see themselves as far superior than anyone else.
A crippling disease that blinds those afflicted and camouflages their insecurities.
Arrogant leaders not only fail, they fall helplessly.
Cops is back doing new episodes on Fox subscription service.Cops is still on several channels although it could be reruns. Live: On Patrol (new LivePD) starts 7/22/22. REELZ on Friday and Saturday 7-10 PM Central.
Could you put some tits in a spoiler? I am always disappoint.
10 seconds of evil.
Hoping this guy is the next AZ senator.
Interesting. I wonder what her point is?