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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Deleted member 2886

I once drank 12,000 year old melt water from up on a Glacier. It tasted like no other water I ever drank.
That's trippy as.
I get my water from a local Whanganui(city) natural spring.
It tastes great and actually hydrates properly unlike the local tap water which has a horrible taste in comparison.

It's claimed to be from a ~27,000—50,000yo water source locked 3km deep-under the central North Island volcanic plateau.

That's what the hydrologists reckon anyway.

Alls I know for sure, is that I no longer consider regular tap water as being much healthier than that "Brawdo" from the 'Idiocracy' movie.😂


Dec 1, 2020


Dec 10, 2020
View attachment 118151

Just so you know ... the climate cult, the fanatic covidians, the anti-life movement, and the free college freeloaders - are all just the exact same bitter, angry, miserable, sniveling brats who need something to whine about 24/7.

View attachment 118152

So if I have this right, everyone should be filing Red Flag Reports on Hunter Biden so he can’t go near the White House anymore. That’s how this works right?

View attachment 118153
Because they are getting rid of police and they know the door kickers in the military are leaving. They need numbers if we do a Dutch Farmer protest. We'd overwhelm what they have so they need an extra 100,000 guns on the ground.


Dec 1, 2020

Here is a synopsis of nat gas situation in Germany, yikes​

Their minister of energy says their storage is at 56%. At 100% they would have 2.5 months' supply.

They have had great difficulty building any inventory because the Nordstream 1 has been flowing at 40% due to parts being held in Canada because of sanctions (which Germany convinced Canada to forego and Ukraine complained about).

The line was shut down completely today for 10 days of scheduled maintenance and much of Europe is holding their breath that it comes back on line after 10 days.

Do the math, in 2 weeks Germany will have 3 weeks' supply left.

Can someone insert the GIF of those assholes laughing at Trump during his UN speech when he told them they were BFF with Putin, I don't think they are laughing now.

Deleted member 2886

It is both by design WEF/UN, they thought they had the percentages for compliance because of the vax and mask conditioning. The push back was expected somewhat but not as much as we are seeing.
Remember 90% of the people are sheep and need to be told what to do, 7% are the controllers and bosses. We are the 3% who are assholes and rebels.
The Cabal can still win if they can instill enough fear in the 90% to accept the famines being created by the Cabal or Elite Trash.
Remember the Cabal have convinced the 90% to accept death by Famine in the rejection of all fossil fuels. And numbers as high as 50% plus are voting for these zero fossil fuel goals and parties that push those goals.
Remember tho only 3% of Colonists created America, by rebelling against the British.
Sir, I really do like the way you think.

[#Free to skip: Opinion post.]

*Regarding the "Cabal" types:
#Something crucial I've begun to grasp from reading/learning psychology.
Is how to recognize and understand psychological dysfunctionality.
(*Actions vs Words is a great indicator.)
#In a basic sense, generally, individuals leaning toward the scale of dysfunctionality most often seem perfectly normal, may legitimately be highly intelligent, appear to function adequately, etc.
(*Usually superficial.)
#However the fact is that these types are wholly incapable of clearly perceiving reality outside of their own internally distorted delusional conceptions.
#We all have unique "blindspots", but unlike more functionally minded people who can come to realize, rectify & overcome such impediments....

...the dysfunctional tendency is for hostile extremes of avoidance and total rejection for such failures of self.
#Pretty sure most of us could agree that these WEF/NWO/"Elitist"/"Cabalist"/"Parasitic Death Cultists" types are most certainly, to some degree, psychologically dysfunctional.
#Coz beyond the nefarious organisations they participate in, these individuals seem to be of a fundamentally warped-ideologically exclusive [sub]human subculture comprised entirely of Psychopathological individuals possessed by the most outrageously extreme levels of hypocrisy, arrogance, egotism, and essentially overwhelming "Superiority Complexes".
#Ironically everything about these types only ever compounds their inherent perceptual distortions and further weakens themselves.
#No matter how well they calculate, plan & prepare.
The fact is, they are simply incapable of fully comprehending the tremendous potentials locked within uncorrupted-functional individuals.
#It is rather comical that these individuals bent to the "dark tetrad" persuasion-(*"Narcissism", "Machiavellianism", "Psychopathy" & "Sadism".)-have generally crawled inside and wedged themselves so tightly up their own egoistic asses they couldn't distinguish the stench of shit from actual fresh air if their lives depended on it.
#They see kindness, selflessness, love, humility, courage, forgiveness, honour, compassion, honesty, etc as if to be weakness -which in their minds somehow also entitles them to the exploitation of such.
#The easiest people to fool,...aren't the inexperienced, the gullible, the ignorant, or the naive.

#It is, and always has been, the dysfunctional-corrupted "dark tetrad" types.
#The "Cabal" NWO endgame never stood any chance of being successful, despite the magnitude of harm they've caused by the attempt.
#They've only gotten this far due to the aggressively normalized modern comforting spectacle of their grand panem et circenses charade, combined with the vast functional majorities inherent capacity for relative tolerance.
#The "Cabal" fucked up big time by setting things in motion which cannot be halted or reversed.
Their bullshit is already rapidly exceeding maximum tolerance thresholds.
#We-(*humanity)-are just beginning to experience an historic and traumatic upheaval that was deliberately caused by the "Cabalist's",...which will inevitably lead to their annihilation.
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Jan 8, 2021
I dont think the Deep state controlled government will allow an election at this point. I cant say what but we are headed for some craziness. Just a gut feeling. Coupled with the intensifying strain on the middle class let alone the poor. Pain seems to be coming quickly. Could be wrong.
They have said there is going to be a second or third pandemic much worse than any before. They are denying new production of O&G, no fertilizer, drought across much of the country, running out of water in the west, they are ignoring court orders and much more. They will lock everyone down and declare martial law with no elections. Many states will go along.

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