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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Nov 27, 2021
Who stole the election? The MIC stole the election and installed Biden. Biden could not find his ass with both hands. The MIC own Biden. He has been a DC Sewer Rat and Parasite for 50 years. They have all the PEDO dirt and Homo dirt, they curl their finger he comes.
Trump was a fluke. Trump was clean, they could not buy him and they had FA on him.


Dec 9, 2020
Today marks the end of an era of sorts. Max played his last club summer lacrosse tournament. Claire asked me if I was happy I would have summers free from sports travel. Well....yes and no.

I have been so blessed to travel with our kids for, first, dive meets and then lacrosse. We've seen so much of our beautiful country. From California to Coney Island. Minnesota to Georgia. So much in between and around. Met so many great people from all over. And got to spend time with each other. As most know, I like to drive, so when I say we've seen our country, I mean we've SEEN all points on the way and usually way out of the way. (I will never not laugh at remembering my husband shocked into silence and then....."Why in the FUCK are you in Utah?!?!?". 😂.)

I'm so proud of their dedication and commitment to what they love to do. I have the easy part. Get them where they need to be. The rest has always been up to them. It's always been their journey, I just provide the ride.

At the same time, in a little over a year, all of our littles will have flown the coop. I'm looking forward to having more time to spend with just G and me and having more flexibility to get out to visit family that has been put off for way too long. And travel just cuz. For fun. With my husband. It's gonna be interesting and probably a little weird at first. I was 22 when I brought my first baby home. I'll be 50 when the last 'leaves'.

This weekend, Abigail flew in from Scottsdale and Riley and Claire drove to Baltimore to surprise their baby brother for his last club tournament. That he and his team played the best lacrosse they've played all season and won the tournament outright (just look at those Ohio boys taking on East Coast😁) was the cherry on top.

Max still has some big lacrosse this summer (ending with the UA All American tournament) We'll be back out in Bmore (with a jaunt to Jersey) for the last 2ish weeks of July. But today is the last time he will ever play summer ball with his team. What an incredible ride it has been. Can't wait to see where he goes from here.

It was such a great weekend with all of us together. Couldn't get any better.


Dec 1, 2020
As many of you know Congress has been able to request financial records from the Treasury Department to investigate suspicious financial transactions between American corporations/citizens and foreign governments, corporations, and other various institutions…..well, until they wanted to look into the Hunter Biden’s financial transactions.

According to Ron Johnson at the request of the current illegitimate president those records will not be made available for congressional scrutiny and the DOJ and FBI are more than likely helping this coverup by severing the tentacles attached to the Laptop From Hell. It’s critical that the political damage to the Swamp System be minimized and that means all the corruption that could be traced from the Laptop From Hell must be cut off and dead-ended and that’s where the Bureaucratic State displays its real purpose and power.

Ron Johnson reminded Maria that the FBI had the Laptop From Hell for nearly a year before they finally acknowledged having it…..and my suspicion is this. Not only were they aware of the incriminating evidence on the Laptop From Hell that would have certainly ended Whispering Joe’s presidential campaign but it’s quite likely they were already running “cleanup in aisle two” to protect the Swamp System. The Bureaucratic State can’t contain all the evidence on the Laptop From Hell but it can follow the trails of corruption and try to sever the ties back to the illegitimate president. Let’s hope and pray they fail to do so.


Dec 10, 2020
I think Cernovich is right. HB tried everything he could to derail his father's campaign.
A call for help. He litter ali films everything he does and then just leaves phones and computers laying around. the sister left her diary in a hotel room. It feels like they hate Joe and want him to pay without them having to rat him out.


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 7, 2021
Morning Patriots. At the rally, just parked and it appears like quite the turnout.
A quick thought. I bet whoever is in Cheyenne Mountain ( space force) has the football.
Have a great day! SKOL!

Cheyenne mountain isn’t a command center that would be in charge of the football. They basically track all things flying on the planet. That’s pretty much it. NORTHCOM at Peterson AFB a few miles away is a different story.


Jan 8, 2021
The bear hunter loves him some cheetos!
View attachment 117307

The wife and I got up to Alaska for the first time a few weeks ago. It was a spur of the moment long weekend trip from here in Oregon. We were planning on driving out to Idaho or Montana for the weekend, but we had a free companion ticket on Alaska Airlines, which made it cheaper and faster to fly to Anchorage than to drive to Missoula.

My friend, your state does not suck. For the rest of the folks on the board, here are a few photos of things we saw. To be clear, the bear photo was at a wildlife park/zoo, but it's a heck of a backdrop. I'm not cool enough to get that shot out in the wild.

Next time, I'm coming up for a long time and fishing till my arms fall off.

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