Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Apparently this needs to be explained plainly. Rural America is where your food comes from, city people.


all you need to know

People are so dumb that they need this explained to them. 8-9% inflation costs you one month+ of salary in increased cost. This should be all over the news media and should have been all over the news media when they were talking about stimmy. But it isn’t and wasn’t because our politicians and the people who own them used the situation as a means to further line their pockets.

The unsaid part is that people who make less money (and got the most stimmy) are the ones who will get slammed by this. We are pretty fortunate these days but I can remember 10 years ago when this inflation would have been nearly impossible for my family to deal with.
I can only hope to get there looking as good as he did at 95
Him and his 4 brothers all went to the WW2. They were much loved and always honored and respected in our family. When my wife and I would host them, my wife would always fuss on them, and we would both cater to their whims.
I would drive them anywhere to visit or sight see and the wife would cook them anything. They would always say oh we can't have that the doctor said no, but they always went for her treats. The wife would just smile and pile on the forbidden goodies. And make sure they got their afternoon naps.
It was always our pleasure. Greatly missed.
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Him and his 4 brothers all went to the WW2. They were much loved and always honored and respected in our family. When my wife and I would host them, my wife would always fuss on them, and we would both cater to their whims.
I would drive them anywhere to visit or sight see and the wife would cook them anything. They would always say oh we can't have that the doctor said no, but they always went for her treats. The wife would just smile and pile on the forbidden goodies. And make sure they got their afternoon naps.
It was always our pleasure. Greatly missed.
Had to add this fellow to my list. My cousin Carl. He was 17 in this picture he was a founding member of the Devils Brigade the 1st Special Forces.
He fought in Italy then parachuted in behind the Germans on "D" Day. Made 1st Sgt.
He also fought all 3 years of Korea. His nickname was "Tiny"
Fuck. Ive tried to actually buy bulk from Mexico. I know it sounds crazy, but Id rather have shit or expired insulin than none.

^^way to go Brandon, you fucked things up so bad people are heading to lesser shitholes^^

Actually They Are Moving to a Place Where They Want to Be Left Alone.

Articles Like This One Are Written by People That Have Very Little Experience Traveling or Living Abroad.

There Are PLENTY of Countries Out There Just as Safe or More So Than the US

Much Lower Taxes - More Freedom - Less Hassle

Great YouTube Channel and Website

Take a Gander You'll Be Happily Surprised
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“Oklahoma has a controversial history when it comes to using drug cocktails to carry out death sentences. Executions that caused death row inmates to suffer excruciating pain before dying led to executions being put on hold in 2015.”


I’m sure they’re worried about the pain they caused their victims.

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