Alex, "I'll Take Vax Related Deaths for $1000"
Lol at the news retards that can’t spell throne.The Adams Family look like they need some child's blood.
Longest running scam and criminal organization in history. Can't spell waf either.
View attachment 110385
Theres a site with thousands of allogeneous oldskool words compiled in one section.
*Using some of the words can amount to confusing the shit outta others resulting from such grandiloquent floccinaucinihilipilifications.
As demonstrated, these will seem like outrecuidant flummadiddle,...or stultiloquent highfalutin.
Apparently the term for someone who nibbles on women's earlobes is, -gynotikolobomassophile.
'I'd Like To Invite Bill Barr To A Public Debate' - Dinesh D'Souza Issues Bold Challenge to Former Attorney General Bill Barr
This would be fantastic
'I'd Like To Invite Bill Barr To A Public Debate' - Dinesh D'Souza Issues Bold Challenge to Former Attorney General Bill Barr
This would be fantastic
Part of the Establishment that has screwed us all for way too long. I hope they all hang...Barr is a puffed up pompous POS and exactly what is wrong with the country.
Bring It On God.I would love to see the Almighty God send fire down from above to destroy Washington, DC and all the vipers in it. As long as one of them exists, it will never be trusted.
IMO, they won’t indict, they can’t afford to make a martyr of him.They did beat him nefariously. They may indict him. Trump's history is to go balls in on lawsuits. The question is what documents, videos, email, etc., will they hide from discovery? Or, what will the courts prevent from being disclosed? You can bet there will be gag orders and lots of stuff sealed away.
Because a certain cadre of clowns following their Psyop messiah told people to ‘trust Barr’.Not sure how anyone can still think Barr is a white hat. He seems to be discrediting himself as a witness also with the geotracking comments especially since this technology is what led to a lot of Jan 6 arrests.
Not doing a Spoiler y'all will have to sack up.
Play stupid games...
Much easier to threaten to and taze innocent unarmed parents doing what parents are supposed to do---protect children.I would argue that they voluntarily undertook the task and waived that bullshit defense when they chose to initially engage the shooter and then retreated.
In What Is A Woman, it's highlighted that kids who actually go through normal puberty end up accepting their gender and work through their gender identity issues. In 10 years, this will be a MASSIVE issue, thousands of lives will be ruined, and women's sports will destroyed.I feel so sad for these people. Yes, there is a stupid games/prizes angle to this. There is also a profound failure by many people around these victims: school employees, doctors, "friends", and most sadly, family. Many of these people would not be in the horrible place they're in now if not for these failures. People are ultimately responsible for their own decisions, but how informed are the decisions if they only hear from the pro-transition people?
These people need to have their stories and voices elevated. More people need to hear these stories. Ridiculing them for their decisions does not do that.
Not calling you out personally, just making a general statement.
Maybe she's been on the other throne trying to squeeze one out for 70 years.Lol at the news retards that can’t spell throne.
Not doing a Spoiler y'all will have to sack up.
Shot for busting that out.H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
Introduced in House (05/10/2012)
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 - Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people, its history, and the federal government's policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. (Under current law such authority is restricted to information disseminated abroad, with a limited domestic exception.)
Authorizes the Secretary and the Board to make available in the United States motion pictures, films, video, audio, and other materials prepared for dissemination abroad or disseminated abroad pursuant to such Act, the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, or the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act.
Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to prohibit funds for the Department of State or the Board from being used to influence public opinion or propagandizing in the United States. (Under current law such provision applies to the United States Information Agency [USIA].)
Applies such prohibition only to programs carried out pursuant to the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, the United States International Broadcasting Act of 1994, the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, and the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act.
States that such provision shall: (1) not prohibit the Department or the Board from providing information about its operations, policies, programs, or program material, or making such information available to members of the media, public, or Congress; (2) not be construed to prohibit the Department from engaging in any medium of information on a presumption that a U.S. domestic audience may be exposed to program material; and (3) apply only to the Department and the Board and to no other federal department or agency.
I’m behind so maybe this was posted. But this is just sick. Especially the brainwashed kids.
It's a good thing he only had to face off with one Whore and one door. IMO@Detective John Kimble how bad would this dude be ripped when he gets back to the station?