Psychosis From Covid Vaccine.
URGENT PUBLIC NEWS: Pfizer defrauded the governments. The insurance companies blowing up with deaths especially in young people. It accelerates death from other causes, it's undeniable. Basically it's achieving it's goal, if the goal was to reduce the population it's working.
They Suck DickWhat's wrong with the PGA?
Fucking A DeSantis has the juice.One thing BDR does much better than Trump is where Trump hit someone verbally or with a Tweet, Ron plays offense all the time with action or possible action. But I still long for Trump's return and then 8 years of Desantis.
And yes I understand there is a huge difference between State and Federal.
Gov. DeSantis considers sending Child Protective Services against people that are exposing children to drag shows
Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he was considering sending Child Protective Services against people exposing children to drag shows.
All an excuse to destroy the Constitution with the Patriot Act
Yeah, I had chucked some cash to this organization when they first began.
Good song, that.Kenneth, what‘s the frequency?
Hey even though ya made it pretty clear in the post last week that ya really don't like me. You should know that my neutral opinion of yourself has never changed and I actually agree with the post quoted above.There isn’t really anything new in there if you have looked into the Jan 6th stuff but there is a lot of gibberish trying to connect everyone past and present by their last name and if it is a jewish last name. Seems like an absolute kook.
At some point the people will wake up and fight for their lives. The Elite Trash do intend to kill them and us. It will be kill or be killed.Yeah, I had chucked some cash to this organization when they first began.
Unfortunately, just like the main "anti-vax" group here, ('Voices for Freedom'), it quickly became clear that this 'NZDSOS' is also another controlled-op effort led by deceitful shills.
There's a blatant "tell" which is quite easy to notice in that article, though I realize most people here(in NZ) & abroad still generally don't/can't yet face the corrupted reality or the scripted dichotomies presented by "elected" "authorities".
Those directing 'NZDSOS' will certainly know very well that, just like they themselves are, Schwabderns "globalist" co-conspirators also direct the 'NZPA'.(Police)
So, imo, this whole thing isn't about seeking justice for clotshot victims.
It's merely another circus act hidden under the usual virtue signaling fuckwittery.
#Oh, and the "tell", I mentioned, is directly linked to what the NZ Po Po demonstrated at the peaceful Wellington protest back in Feb, moments prior to the cops going full-Nazi.
Ie; Plain-clothed teams were filmed sneaking amongst the main campsites, very clearly setting tents ablaze, creating chaos as the Police began the assault.
The local BK still has its dining room closed. Every other FF place in the area have been opened for months. Some have even put condiments back out. It was silly to remove them, or close, in the first place.
This song is 500+ years too late with its predictions.
"Everything you think, do and say, is in the pill you took today..."
In The Year 2525What's the song called? Apparently it's banned in commy NZ.
Cheers mate.In The Year 2525