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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
Member when the media told us that govt wasn't giving out crack pipes?



Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020
There is also a large thought that Elon could re-negotiate the price of the transaction. Market has dropped 15-20% and if Twtr didnt have the elon backstop it would probably drop to about 50% of its current value. Part of the reason its trading $45 instead of $54.

I personally don't think Elon give a fuck and will get the deal done at $54. He wants to own Twtr that bad.
I hope he squeezes the fuck out of them and all of their shareholders. I want them begging for a low-ball buyout offer.


Feb 4, 2021
Alright, so I've told y'all I've been waging a minor war against our school admin/board and my aim is to have the SI (Who sucks but still makes appx $220,000 a year...contract is up for renewal next year and I'm gunning for it not to be renewed) and the majority of the SB removed.

It's now been made clear that after this year, I will be suspending the scholarships and my mother in law will be suspending her (quite substantial) teachers award (she gives the same to the school district as she does the teacher). You should hear the angst. You're only harming children and teachers! You can't do that! You don't have the authority. (The last is from the SI).

Asshat, you haven't listened to a damn thing I've said for years.....still waiting for that apology after you supported your little pissant jh principal KNOWINGLY AND FALSELY accusing my son of something he didn't do because he wasn't there....going so far as bullying and browbeating him into a confession while Max was 4 days out from sustaining a concussion and was under protocol per the school trainer and a neurologist. I can fu any damn thing I want. Who in the hell do you think administers and oversees everything? My mother in law who lives in Florida? My husband that travels most weeks? My sister in law who lives in Minnesota? Or me...The stay at home mom who purposely moved to this community when I was asked to move to Ohio and has put 4 kids through our schools (who also happen to be the 4th generation to go through)?

Ehhhh...Times up. Me is the correct answer. It's me. You haven't listened to reason. So now you can listen to money. Money fucking talks, and ours is telling these asshats to fuck right the fuck off.

Glad I finally got their attention and thrilled that so many are stepping up to the fight . You would think when I sicced the news on him years ago he would have figured out I'm not just bitching to bitch. That's not really my thing. And when you get me to a couple degrees past pms level pissed off, God bless and may He grant mercy. I will not back down.

On a fun note...I'm getting a new jeep. Hubs told me to build exactly what I want and get it ordered. I did. I've always wanted a fire engine red jeep. these are the times I'm thankful for a husband in the car business and who he knows to make the almost impossible happen. 😂. It'll take a couple of moths to get it built, but that's okay. It's not like I was frothing to get rid of the one I drive now. (Our friend is dying to get my jeep to sell. Only one in the world like it) I've finally had the top off all week and Stella and I have been scooting all over the place. It's little things that make me happy. Fresh air and sunshine. Heat. The smell of wild onions and lilac bushes. driving just to drive. And my frenchie no longer scared of the car after I drove her to Dallas and back. Abd a bunch of kiddos back home for the summer. My house is fixing to get really loud and messy. 🥰🥰🥰
To the SI....Buckle up buttercup, you just flipped the bitch switch!


Dec 1, 2020
I've mentioned here before that I have a neighbor in Austin who is a Republican BMD. He is at the level of flying private with Ken Paxton to the White House Christmas Party. He gifted me a MAGA hat that Trump gifted to him at that Christmas Party. Last night, he sent me a text inviting me to a deal at his house Saturday morning where Don Jr will be doing a book signing/fundraiser for the Travis County Republican Party.

The cost is $1000/couple. My wife doesn't want to go.

Do I:

Go alone?
Recruit a friend and go?
Blow it off because the Travis County Republican Party doesn't deserve my money?

Side note here is we no longer live in Travis County and we are about a 3.5 hour car ride from the event. We airbnb our house that is near his house and it's booked this weekend already, so staying there isn't an option.

I really want to go to get the temp of the room and what Junior and others might be saying in private. Wish my wife viewed this as the opportunity I see it as.


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
Un good news



Nov 27, 2021
You would have LOVED the old threads when Q was active.
Don't know what Panda Eye is about, I think adrenochrome has to do with terrorizing children.
My Nephew killed a damn pedophile or so they allege with his bare hands for raping his 4 year old boy.
I send word to him in jail I was proud of him, and he had done us proud, the men of our family.
If you catch someone who would do these things to children. Do what a man should do. And take the consequences.
God Will Forgive You.


Dec 1, 2020
Don't know what Panda Eye is about, I think adrenochrome has to do with terrorizing children.
My Nephew killed a damn pedophile or so they allege with his bare hands for raping his 4 year old boy.
I send word to him in jail I was proud of him, and he had done us proud, the men of our family.
If you catch someone who would do these things to children. Do what a man should do. And take the consequences.
God Will Forgive You.
It is what happens to the poor children’s eyes after they have been viciously sexually abused within an in of their lives. Huge red, black, and blue rings around their eyes from brutal trauma.
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