Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Didn't we have that 2 years ago?? Chaz or Chad or some shit like that??? Seemed to be Utopia from what I remember
Kinda my point. White and poor? Fine. Black and poor? No reason to be given a chance to exist.

That she (an overly well fed white bitch) was racesplaining to Tim Scott, a very successful black man who grew up financially poor but so rich in all ways that matter, was another level of what in the actual fuck? Just pure racist.

And disgustingly so. Wasn’t even subtle.

He was having none of it.
Yah your right. Who destroyed the Black Families? Pres. Johnson. I was not disagreeing with you. Or trying to pick a fight. I respect your intelligence.
But why the hell does not anyone ever onetime mention the millions of poor white kids.
My only point.
Pres. Johnson and the War on Poverty. 22 Trillion in Reparations?
Yah your right. Who destroyed the Black Families? Pres. Johnson. I was not disagreeing with you. Or trying to pick a fight. I respect your intelligence.
But why the hell does not anyone ever onetime mention the millions of poor white kids.
My only point.
Because it’s not beneficial, politically speaking. (Which is also beyond disgusting)

And I didn’t take your reply as starting a fight at all. I understood what you were saying.
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Went to Air War College with his brother, a Colonel in the Air Force. They came from nothing and both did very well.
Because they were raised right. (As many, many children are by non comfy/wealthy parents…hence the vast majority)

When did being poor equal worthless? When did being poor and black become more worthless than nonexistent?

Every child is precious, no matter how tan or not, no matter how wealthy or not. Every child. Precious.
They just can not help themselves! The SWAMP will always show themselves.
He is a Dam liar.
The mere fact that he ran for President was putting our country before himself.


Real talk (Y'all know I have 4 kids)

My oldest was bottle fed with formula. So when I had my second, I just started her on the same formula.....until 2 weeks later when I figured out it was stupid to pay for formula and I HATED making bottles.... as I was home with her. I talked with her pediatrician about switching her to breast. She told me to try, but it was probably not going to work. Amazingly, my baby girl latched 2 days and lots of tears later (here's and mine) AND she was still willing to take a bottle on the few occasions I wasn't with her...until she was 4 months old. Then nope. She would just wait until I got back. Thankyouverymuch.

I nursed the youngest 2 from birth. So, I had one on formula, one who I switched, and 2 who I exclusively nursed.

This whole judgemental 'if you can't find formula, just breast feed' sends me into a realm of pissed off never witnessed by humans...and I'm one who DID manage to do just that. It's normally not that easy..for mom (remember , I wasn't working and trying to balance feeding schedules with a work schedule) or baby. I had all the time in the world to get her to switch. And it was rough. Most don't have that option. And that's not taking into account moms who can't produce enough milk for a myriad of reasons, adopted babies, babies in foster care......

When the mob cares more about keeping the 'constitutional' right to kill babies up to the moment of full term birth more than they care about ensuring babies have adequate nutrition, that pretty much says it all.
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