Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Saying the jabbed are property and not human and can therefore be killed (not murdered) is even more ridiculous. I also don’t buy for a second that the vaccine is some Trojan horse into people’s bodies. If somebody wants to spread a virus they could just release it the old fashioned way like in rainbow six. I also don’t believe there is some frequency on ventilators killing people. Drugs? Sure. Some magical waves? Nah.

I believe the rest of it though.

In 2019, I would never have believed all the shit that has happened in 2020-2022.

Now, it's not that I believe everything, it's that I don't rule out any possibilities.


What a head fuck. He is probably on Hunters dope all day and night. What a disgrace to the Office of President. What a Disgrace To America and her many fine people. And the Vote stealing will expand election by election. The Republic is gone Mitch and the Republicans have done sweet fuck all to challenge or end the election stealing.
The Rats Are In The Corn Crib.
Confession time...been skimming to keep up but between the engineered inflation, supply crisis, food process/distribution plant fires, baby murder/harvesting, scamdemic, vax mandates and lies, massive vote fraud, trans-BS, Jan 6 op, Biden (entire separate category)...and now this last $40B taxpayer theft and money launder approved by a large majority of the uniparty - just to name a fvcking few - I'm getting irrationally angry. Kinda like ol' Chip here...

How bad does it get before the Precipice? Much worse, apparently...

Well they are going to. Diesel prices alone will drive inflation higher this summer. Add in more countries using fewer dollars and that will drive up inflation. Add in shortages and that will drive up inflation. Add in taxes and regulations and that will drive up inflation.... basically everything the Biden is doing is driving up inflation.
Biden recently signed into law a requirement that all vehicles produced after 2026 be fitted with a remote kill switch. Electric vehicles are already equipped with this capability via internet-connected “superchargers.” These corporations can sell you a product for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then prevent you from using them. Worse yet, if the law is not challenged or repealed, these kill switches will have a “back door” that allows government agencies to shut your vehicle off remotely as well.

I like John Lovell and the Warrior Poet Society channel (YouTube). He's definitely a good guy. The fact that Lovell is interviewing Cawthorne means something to me.

I too am confused about Jack. It's possible that he's just a weasle that will say anything to be on the "winning side", and that he sees the winds shifting with Musk. It's also possible, and more likely IMO, that Jack was forced out for not wanting to go along with the censorship. I think what we're seeing lately is more of the real Jack. I wouldn't go so far to say that Jack is a WH, and it seems to me that he didn't do everything he could to fight the censorship (maybe he did). Still, I believe Jack is more of an ally than an adversary/enemy at this point.
Twitter going private would release him from his fiduciary responsibility to stay quiet on twitter business decisions. He could of been sued for tanking the stock but now he could unload if he wants to.

That's not decentralized folks

It was awful before and it's awful now

The risk reward of having a supposedly premier communication platform in the hands of one man is not a good bet

Let's assume Elon is just simply a terrific fella, what if he gets compromised, captured, or flips to the bad side


Twitter is a bad move

Localism is the answer....twitter is the opposite of that
Biden recently signed into law a requirement that all vehicles produced after 2026 be fitted with a remote kill switch. Electric vehicles are already equipped with this capability via internet-connected “superchargers.” These corporations can sell you a product for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then prevent you from using them. Worse yet, if the law is not challenged or repealed, these kill switches will have a “back door” that allows government agencies to shut your vehicle off remotely as well.

"The dogs bark but the carvan rolls along"

I think 10 years from now we will look back in disbelief at all the legislation they put through

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